4,146 results found
The Choral Project
The Choral Project, founded by Artistic Director Daniel Hughes in 1996, has been hailed by San José Mercury News as “a Bay Area jewel,” stating that “there is nothing subtle about why this is one of the best choirs you will ever hear.” This group of multi... moreThe Choral Project, founded by Artistic Director Daniel Hughes in 1996, has been hailed by San José Mercury News as “a Bay Area jewel,” stating that “there is nothing subtle about why this is one of the best choirs you will ever hear.” This group of multi-talented singers has earned an outstanding reputation for performing high-level choral literature and bridging the gap between text and music, singer and spectator. The 54-voice ensemble has performed throughout the world in concert performances and choral festivals to great acclaim. They are widely recognized for presenting and preserving great works of choral literature from a wide range of traditions from around the world that express the region’s diversity. The group is equally committed to innovative and dramatic presentations, as well as promoting the choral art through the premieres of new works by Stephen Schwartz, Richard Burchard, Eric William Barnum, and Joshua Shank, to name a few. described The Choral Project’s recent concert with ... less
Que el Señor for SAATB a cappella (Basden)
This piece was written as a little “thank you” to el Coro de Cámara del Instituto French de Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires, and their conductor, Marcelo Valva.
The choir had recently given the first South American (and second overall) performance of my “Al... moreThis piece was written as a little “thank you” to el Coro de Cámara del Instituto French de Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires, and their conductor, Marcelo Valva.
The choir had recently given the first South American (and second overall) performance of my “Alleluia! O virga mediatrix”.
Along the way I'd been chatting with a choir member about Pope Francis' Argentine heritage – a setting of text from an Argentine translation of the Bible seemed especially fitting.
I'm happy to share the sheet music free of charge – please contact me for the PDF.
• Facebook: david.basden.9
• New email: deebee123 [at] less
Voices of Aloha
It’s time for a new seaSon of making great music together. We are inviting singers to join us for a 5-month journey of learning great music, creating valuable new relationship with others and sharing our music with others. If you love to sing, please jo... moreIt’s time for a new seaSon of making great music together. We are inviting singers to join us for a 5-month journey of learning great music, creating valuable new relationship with others and sharing our music with others. If you love to sing, please join us.
We meet every Tuesday evening from 6pm to 9pm at the Makiki Community of Christ Church at 1666 Mott Smith Dr. There is a small membership fee for participation and we promise that you will enjoy yourself. All we ask is that you learn the music in a timely fashion and get along with all of us.
Please join us for our year end Holiday Concert SING! on December 29th at Kawaiaha'o Church. Visit for details.
For choir information, please contact our Music Director Mark Yasuhara at 808-228-5068.
We look forwarding to meeting you. less
Macquarie Singers Inc.
Macquarie Singers is one of the largest community choirs in the district. Under the guise of other names, we have been in continuous existence for over 50 years and are currently conducted by the highly experienced and talented Dr Sarah Penicka-Smith. We ... moreMacquarie Singers is one of the largest community choirs in the district. Under the guise of other names, we have been in continuous existence for over 50 years and are currently conducted by the highly experienced and talented Dr Sarah Penicka-Smith. We meet on Monday nights at Trinity Chapel, Robert Menzies College from 7.00-9.30pm during school terms. There are no auditions and everyone is welcome, regardless of musical experience.
Antonio Magarelli (1978), Domine tu mihi lavas pedes
Mottetto per soli, coro e organo
Cattedrale di Molfetta, 18 aprile 2019
Giovedì Santo, Messa in Coena Domini
Annamaria Bellocchio, soprano
Bagus Kentus Norontako, baritono
Gaetano Magarelli, organo
Cappella Musicale Corradiana
Antonio Magarel... moreMottetto per soli, coro e organo
Cattedrale di Molfetta, 18 aprile 2019
Giovedì Santo, Messa in Coena Domini
Annamaria Bellocchio, soprano
Bagus Kentus Norontako, baritono
Gaetano Magarelli, organo
Cappella Musicale Corradiana
Antonio Magarelli, direttore
Platinum Consort
Platinum Consort was founded by Scott Inglis-Kidger and Claire Jaggers in 2005. The consort specialises in bringing vibrancy to early music, as well as breathing life into newly commissioned pieces. Originating at the University of Cambridge, the consort... morePlatinum Consort was founded by Scott Inglis-Kidger and Claire Jaggers in 2005. The consort specialises in bringing vibrancy to early music, as well as breathing life into newly commissioned pieces. Originating at the University of Cambridge, the consort attracted singers from the renowned choirs of St John's, Jesus, Trinity and King's Colleges. Now a professional vocal ensemble, Platinum Consort boasts some of the best young singers in London. They have an affinity with the music of composer Richard Bates and recently premiered his Tenebrae Responsories. These, along with other music inspired by the Tenebrae tradition appear on Platinum's debut album, In The Dark which is released on ReSonus Classics.
Platinum also runs a Boys' Choir, which aims to be one of the best of its kind in the UK. In addition to this our Choral Workshops provide a wealth of opportunities for singers who wish to explore glorious repertoire in smaller groups.
More info: less
Total Praise
Brethren sings Total Praise to close their concert at Southern Division ACDA on March 13, 2010.
Soloist: Dustin Lucas
Pianist: Justin Dean
Saskatoon Chamber Singers
The Saskatoon Chamber Singers was founded in 1977 by a group of former Greystone Singers (University of Saskatchewan) who wanted to continue singing in a quality choral ensemble. The choir has been a finalist in both the CBC choral competition for amateur... moreThe Saskatoon Chamber Singers was founded in 1977 by a group of former Greystone Singers (University of Saskatchewan) who wanted to continue singing in a quality choral ensemble. The choir has been a finalist in both the CBC choral competition for amateur choirs and the International Choral Kathaumixw in Powell River, British Columbia, and participated in the non-competitive Festival 500 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. It has also been the guest choir at Saskatchewan Sings, and sang at the installation of Lynda Haverstock (a former member) as Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan. In 2010, the choir performed at Podium, the biennial conference of the Association of Canadian Choral Communities, held in Saskatoon.
The choir’s repertoire has been rich in variety since its establishment, and Canadian music has always been an important component of its programming. Perhaps best known for its annual Remembrance Day concert, the choir’s schedule is generally rounded out by a seaSonal concert in December or January and on... less
VI. Domine Deus - Vivaldi (Gloria)
Domine Deus
全曲以極緩版的速度呈現,由女高音及雙簧管展開優美的對話;而撥奏的低音部則帶出了雀 躍的心不間斷地頌讚,頗有「餘音繞樑」的力量。
獨唱: 梁華蓁(女高音)
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Overture Choir
The Overture Choir is an audition-free, community choir from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which focuses on making singing accessible and enjoyable for community members of all ages (18+).