Mistango Choir Festival


190 results found
CARMINA SLOVENICA Toxic Psalms / The scent of ancestors
video: CARMINA SLOVENICA Toxic Psalms / The scent of ancesTors

More">Choregie project by Karmina Šilec PerforMed by Vocal Thatre Carmina Slovenica The shaman idea is at the centre of the project: everyone and everything that man creates can be turned against him if used without respect for Life. To have control over s...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Choregie project by Karmina Šilec PerforMed by Vocal Thatre Carmina Slovenica The shaman idea is at the centre of the project: everyone and everything that man creates can be turned against him if used without respect for Life. To have control over soMething matterless, we control it with the knowledge about it and thus gain power over it. The almost sinister thought “I'll tell you. You're young, but you're one of us, and I'm one of us, so I'll tell you.” gives the Toxic Psalms its Tone. For in the background of the whole concert arch death utters and murderous plague inTones. Through the music the project reflects Palestine, Syria, Pussy Riots, weapons, concentration camps, blood feuds, extinctions, contaminations of religions and creates a picture of human brutality. The living of a man is changed inTo a drama here and now: Men killing for the glory of their psalms. The author’s poise is not one of an agitaTor – awaking the feeling that “soMething has To be done” – it is rigorously contemplative. Despite ...    less

Halifax Choral Society
group: Halifax Choral Society

More">Its Members may be amateurs from many walks of Life but they pride themselves on professional singing. Throughout its long hisTory, the Choir has perforMed almost every major choral work in the reperToire. The Halifax Choral Society has always aiMed...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Its Members may be amateurs from many walks of Life but they pride themselves on professional singing. Throughout its long hisTory, the Choir has perforMed almost every major choral work in the reperToire. The Halifax Choral Society has always aiMed high and has traditionally perforMed with first-rate orchestras, soloists and conducTors. Looking through the annals of the Society is To turn back the pages of musical hisTory of the past two centuries.  

EnChor Chamber Choir
group: EnChor Chamber Choir

More">EnChor Chamber Choir is a dedicated group of individuals whose distinct talents combine “In Chorus”, bringing To Life a vast array of musical works. EnChor began singing Together in the fall of 2005. We are an auditioned group of approximately 32 singe...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">EnChor Chamber Choir is a dedicated group of individuals whose distinct talents combine “In Chorus”, bringing To Life a vast array of musical works. EnChor began singing Together in the fall of 2005. We are an auditioned group of approximately 32 singers, coming from a broad cross section of the Calgary and area community. EnChor proudly highlights the work of Canadian artists, and includes Canadian content in every concert. An important part of our directive is To collaborate with fellow Calgary artists. We have shared our concerts with Paul Rumbolt and Friends, Players Ensemble, The Calgary Men’s Chorus, the Calgary Renaissance Singers, Foothills Brass, One Accord, Youth EnChor, Corps Bara Dance Theatre, Cum Vino Cantus, UofC Orchestra, Calgary jazz musician Gerry Hebert, and sTory-teller Jan McLean.  less

The Bradford Chorale
group: The Bradford Chorale

More">The Bradford Chorale is a leading Bradford choir. It started Life as The JaMes Ashworth Singers giving its first concert in ThornTon Parish Church in April 1976. After soMe years the base moved To the Unitarian Church near St Luke’s Hospital To be More ce...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">The Bradford Chorale is a leading Bradford choir. It started Life as The JaMes Ashworth Singers giving its first concert in ThornTon Parish Church in April 1976. After soMe years the base moved To the Unitarian Church near St Luke’s Hospital To be More central for Members coming from all parts of Bradford and the surrounding area. In 1979 JaMes Ashworth moved on To projects new and was succeeded by Douglas Robinson who had recently retired as Chorus Master at Covent Garden and who held the post until ill health forced his retireMent. During this period the naMe was changed first To The Ashworth Singers and later To The Bradford Chorale. John Coates Took over as Musical DirecTor in 1984 and was followed by Tricia Platts in 1991. Since Tricia’s departure the Chorale has been led by several Musical DirecTors including CarleTon EtheringTon, Andrew Dibb, Elizabeth Altman, John Griffiths and ChrisTopher Rathbone. Our new Musical DirecTor, Paul Dewhurst Took us inTo the second quarter century of musical Life and ...    less

Arundelair Chorus
group: Arundelair Chorus

More">The Arundelair Chorus comprises woMen who gather weekly To sing a cappella music in the barbershop style. From many walks of Life, we all share our love of music. We are a chapter of Sweet Adelines International in Region #19, and invite woMen of all ages...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">The Arundelair Chorus comprises woMen who gather weekly To sing a cappella music in the barbershop style. From many walks of Life, we all share our love of music. We are a chapter of Sweet Adelines International in Region #19, and invite woMen of all ages To visit us. The only requireMent is the love of singing. Any woman, with or without musical training, can find a part that fits her voice. We're looking for Melody and harmony singers. See where you belong. Visit us and find your niche.  

Coro del Camino Real
group: Coro del Camino Real

More">We are More Than 50 voices. We began our journey in the 90s. Our reperToire is varied (Gregorian, Renaissance, Baroque, AMerican standards, popular Spanish song, Opera, Gospel, etc..) We actively participate in cultural Life of the Towns of our influen...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">We are More Than 50 voices. We began our journey in the 90s. Our reperToire is varied (Gregorian, Renaissance, Baroque, AMerican standards, popular Spanish song, Opera, Gospel, etc..) We actively participate in cultural Life of the Towns of our influence, like ColMenarejo or Galapagar and in other Towns like El Escorial or Valdemorillo, performing at Christmas, Easter, the festivity or "Galapajazz" as "opening act" of "Manhattan Transfer" and Art Garfunkel. We sang in PORTUGAL, Burgos Cathedral, the Church of the Magdalene Torrelaguna, the Monastery of St.. Domingo de Silos, Mecerreyes Church and Collegiate Covarrubias (Burgos), the Iglesia de la Santa Cruz of Carballiño (Orense), the Iglesia de Sta. María of Requena (Valencia), Ntra. Sra. del Buen Suceso or Las Calatravas in Madrid and at Mass on Sundays TVE issues, from the parish of Los Arroyos (El Escorial). We organize the Choral Events of ColMenarejo. We recorded a beautiful CD of carols. Our ConducTor is Jorge BeniTo ...    less

Cordus Mundi
group: Cordus Mundi

More">Cordus Mundi began Life in 2002 in San Francisco when six forMer San Francisco Concert Chorale singers banded Together To begin an exploration of the male a cappella choral reperToire. When founding Member Rick Rosen left California in mid-2003 To move ba...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Cordus Mundi began Life in 2002 in San Francisco when six forMer San Francisco Concert Chorale singers banded Together To begin an exploration of the male a cappella choral reperToire. When founding Member Rick Rosen left California in mid-2003 To move back To Bucks County, the original group of west coast singers went on hiatus. In its second Life, and with the blessings of the founding Californians, Cordus Mundi was reborn in early 2005 in Bucks County. Now with fifteen voices, the newest incarnation of Cordus Mundi has the flexibility and versatility To expand the group’s musical exploration inTo new areas - the reperToire is varied and eclectic, and the group includes two composers and several arrangers. Cordus Mundi draws its reperToire from a wide range of composers and styles, from Dunstable To Duruflé, from Byrd To Bernstein, from Palestrina To Paranjoti, from Brahms To the Beatles, and from Jacob Handl To Edie Hill. The founding Members coMe from a variety of quality area vocal groups, including t...    less

group: Maidenhead Community Choir

More">The Maidenhead Communty Choir is welcoming, non-auditioned choir with a Toe-tapping reperToire across many genres. We have regular concert and perforMed at Windsor Castle, Windsor Theatre and Cliveden House. Our social Life is very active and we have ev...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">The Maidenhead Communty Choir is welcoming, non-auditioned choir with a Toe-tapping reperToire across many genres. We have regular concert and perforMed at Windsor Castle, Windsor Theatre and Cliveden House. Our social Life is very active and we have even gone To Turkey and Spain for singing holidays. All choir sessions aim To be uplifting and fun so everybody leaves with a smile on their face:)  

group: Acastella

More">Acastella: Stellenbosch students (and students at heart) singing Acapella. We are a group of like-minded young people who have coMe Together To express Life in all its wonderful facets through vocal music! We are students. We are friends. We all study ...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Acastella: Stellenbosch students (and students at heart) singing Acapella. We are a group of like-minded young people who have coMe Together To express Life in all its wonderful facets through vocal music! We are students. We are friends. We all study at Stellenbosch University and believe in the power of music To uplift, entertain and educate. We aim To share our voices and talent with all who will listen! Any person acquainted with student culture understands the important role of music and singing in the Life of a young person. Acastella is a platform for young adults studying at Stellenbosch University To practice their love of singing. Unfortunately the Members got spread across the vast world and thus decided To sTop Acastella at the end of 2013.  less

group: Brethren

More">Based out of the Northern Virginia/WashingTon D.C. area, the professional, Christian male ensemble, Brethren, is a group comprised of 30 singers from all walks of Life and includes professional military musicians, free-lance artists, financial planners, s...  More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Based out of the Northern Virginia/WashingTon D.C. area, the professional, Christian male ensemble, Brethren, is a group comprised of 30 singers from all walks of Life and includes professional military musicians, free-lance artists, financial planners, school teachers, church musicians, a surveyor, a defense contracTor, a park ranger, a flight attendant and a Member of the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York City. In addition, they hail from eleven different states in the Union: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and, of course, WashingTon, D.C. The group actually began in OcTober 2005 recording a small project of a cappella hymns (The Hymn Project) as a Christmas gift for one of their mothers. Well, long sTory short, nine singers Met for the first tiMe in a small, baseMent studio, spent about 10 hours recording soMe of their favorite hymns and the rest is, as they say, hisTory. In fact, the group had never intended To cont...    less