Voices of Concinnity vocal chamber Ensemble, based in Connecticut. Book us today.
O Coro Voximini do Conservatório Regional de Castelo Branco cantou no concerto do dia 1 de Março, 4 andamentos desta obra (and. 1, 3, 5 e 10). Pianista: Nuno Freitas
Iglesia Dinamarquesa. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005
Since 2008 we've built an enviable reputation as one of the country’s finest and most versatile a cappella groups. We possess a wealth of experience from the worlds of classical, sacred and popular music and balance our love for the old renaissance master... more
Dakota Valley High School
Noctis Rehearsal video of Harold Arlen's 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' (arr. Tina Chinn)
The Virginia Chorale is the Commonwealth of Virginia's premier professional chamber chorus.
In diretta su TV2000, a "La canzone di noi - La gara", il Coro interpreta per la primissima volta il brano dei Negramaro. Arrangiamento del M° Alessandro Cadario.
...un pezzo che amiamo fare all'impronta, per ricordarci sempre come pulsa il cuore di un Coro.