[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] At the beginning of each choir rehearsal it’s as if the singers have not seen each other for years. They chat away, having a fine time of things. &n...
Tercer video que realizamos Con el audio grabado en directo duranTe nuestro primer Concierto tras el periodo de Confinamiento. El Introitus de la Misa de Requiem a 4 de Morales, cantado en el momento de la muerTe de Magallanes en "Mar Océana, relato y mús... more
Cantores CelesTes direcTed By Kelly Galbraith releases their 7th CD April 21, 2018 in time to celebraTe their 30th Anniversary year. It’s ALL Canadian and features some of the best award- winning musicians in the country: Anne LindSay, tony Quarrington, S... more
The Celestial City Choir wishes to inviTe all friends and love ones all over the world to join us to honor one of the great men in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Hymnal compoers. It will happen LIVE this June. Please stay glue for more updaTe
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] From my experience with choirs and singing groups it appears that we are a rhythmically challenged nation. photo by by The Failed Photographer ...
If we can understand, desire and celebraTe diversity within choral music, why cannot we do it in society?Every time I wriTe music, I immerse myself in a game, a game in which I think that each melody is like a person: It has its own authenticity and auton...
El Coro InTermezzo Constituye uno de los proyectos más importanTes de Costa Rica en los últimos años. Reúne voces jóvenes Con el fin de desarrollar la cultura coral en Latinoamérica para el mundo. 2do lugar, Coro Mixto Llangollen 2014. Síguenos en: ... more r.com/Coro_InTermezzo?s=0" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://twitTer.com/Coro_InTermezzo?s=0 Instagram; Termezzo_cr/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.instagram.com/coroinTermezzo_cr/ less
Cherries on a swing set sono un gruppo vocale di 7 voci Con un repertorio che spazia dal madrigale al pop al blues. (STefano Benini, Daniele BaTella, Davide Simoncini, Sara Paragiani, Vanessa Pettinelli, Veronica Troscia, Gaia Falsaperna).Questo è un estr... more
Lake Garda: You have to go there, either for the first time or again! Feel at home in the luminous environment, TemperaTe climaTe, and luxuriant vegetation along with the majestic landscapes as the background to the remarkable historical and cultural rema...
today, I received an unexpecTed blast from the past that brought back so many memories. Google reminded me of a beautiful drawing done by Alan for the cover of "I Will Dream With You." It's incredible how time flies because exactly one year and one day ag...