Clausura del II Ciclo de Música Coral "Ciudad de Zaragoza", organizado por el Coro Musicaire. Iglesia de San Pedro Arbués de Zaragoza, 30 de Mayo de 2015 Directora: Marta Pilar Hernando
This song was written by William H. Neidlinger and performed by the Nashville Singers on November 17, 2012 at their annual Season of Harmony concert. Nashville Singers was founded in November of 2008 by a handful of men who had the desire to join their... more
The Karilagan Singers of Rome, Italy
"Cerf Volant" (Les choristes), Bruno Coulais Coro Encanto, de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano García Solista: Mireya Muñoz Pianista: Marcelino López Interpretado en la ceremonia de clausura del Congreso Europeo de Psiquiatría Infantil E... more
There is truly something at #MISF19 that will appeal to everyone’s musical tastes. Be Challenged, Inspired and Entertained. Now in its tenth year, Australia's most exciting Singers festival for all choirs, singing groups and individual Singers, is p...
This song was written and arranged by Chris Kershaw and performed by the Nashville Singers on November 17, 2012 at their annual Season of Harmony concert. Nashville Singers was founded in November of 2008 by a handful of men who had the desire to join ... more
Pagina Facebook: Sito: Concerto per L'Associazione Alzheimer Roma Onlus Sabato 25 gennaio 2014 Chiesa di Santa Caterina da Siena (Roma) Al pianoforte: Tatiana Manzella
InCoronata 2014
Concierto XIII aniversario Coro Cantabile de A Coruña Piano: Giselle Grau Director: Pablo Carballido del Camino
O MAGNUM MYSTERIUM by Morten Lauridsen celebrate - Coro de Cámara Patagonia / Eduardo andrés Malachevsky, dir. - Iglesia Metodista de Bariloche (ARGENTINA) – 20/07/2016 Coro DE CÁMARA PATAGONIA: - SOPRANOS: andrea Sereni, Ariana Paulina, Ginny Jones... more