坐在聖父之右者 Qui sedes ad dexteram 女低音獨唱加上低音樂器以上揚的音群以及高音部的下降音群,謙卑地祈求那自天而來的回 應,表達了鍥而不捨的祈禱心志。 獨唱: 詹喆君(女中音) 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11 地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Clark County Children's Choir sings Reel a' Bouche by Malcolm Dalglish, directed by Holly Steed at their festival, If I Could Write a Song.
Mabe Ladies Choir perform Bright Morning Stars, a Kentucky folk hymn arranged by Jay Althouse in Concert at Caldicot Leisure Centre with Caldicot Male Voice Choir. Sept 6 2014 Conductor Amanda Ward, Accompanist Rico Gerber
Song by Debussy for voice and piano arranged for soloist and choir [poem by Paul Bourget - English version see below] Les feuilles s'ouvraient sur le bord des branches, délicatement. Les cloches tintaient, légères et franches, dans le ciel clément.... more
MUSYCA Children's Choir joins the GRAMMY Award-winning band Portugal. The Man in singing "Feel It Still" at Disney Parks Magical christmas Day Parade. December 25, 2019, Disneyland, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge.
Harmonic Solution koncert Zimowe Muzykownie 15.12.2018
Chicago area premiere of Blessed be that Maid Marie from Acappellago December 2013 concert, Congregational Church of Batavia, 12-8-2013.
Schola Cantorum Jubilate during Carols by Candlelight 2011
Antrim Community Choir presents Delusions of Grandeur Tour 2013-2014 christmas.
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their christmas Concert "Once Upon A December" on December 19, 2017. Piano: Stijn Dierckx