Академический хор Нижегородского Государственного Университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Выступление на фестивале "Молодые голоса-2012" в Нижнем Новгороде. Alfred Schnittke - Three Sacred Hymns: III. Our FaTher (The Lord's Prayer)
Music video of The Nidaros CaThedral Boys' Choir rehearsing. Get a unique and never before published insiders view behind The scenes of The life in The Trondheim-based boys' choir. Performed by Nidarosdomens Guttekor (Nidaros CaThedral Choir of Men a... more
I will praise Thee O Lord is a new composition from Mr. Frimpong Kwame Darkwa and sung by him
The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square, Bells on Temple Square, and Gabriel Trumpet Ensemble perform The traditional hymn tune "Christ The Lord Is Risen Today," by Mack Wilberg. Episode 4675. Aired April 21, 2019.
Benedictio Choral from Manado City, Conducted by Mr. Vecky Batas, sang "My Soul's Been Anchored in The Lord" (arr. by Moses Hogan). Pattaya - 2007, The evening after The competition at "A Voyage of Songs - International Choral Festival".
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir] A woman came up to me last Saturday and said “I like Coming to your workshops because There are always lots of men”. Ke...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From The Front of The Choir] There’s a strange thing that happens in choirs just as a concert is Coming up. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Benny G...
Jakarta Festival Chorus (Male Chorus), I August 2015, GKY Pluit.
This track from The Chandos AnThems by G. F. Handel was performed LIVE by The University Choir, KNUST - Kumasi at The Great Hall, KNUST on The 16th April, 2016.
E per finire.... Padre Nostro (Our faTher) in lingua Swahili. Canto imparato grazie al Coro Col di Lana di Vittorio Veneto. Eseguito nella Chiesa di Meschio (Vittorio Veneto) il 19.5.2012 dal Coro parrocchiale di Anzano (Cappella Maggiore, Treviso)