Gospelchor Rejoice Langenberg, "Holy is the lamb" (Tore W. Aas), Nacht der Musik in der Florinskirche, Koblenz am 2. April. Tage der Chor- und Orchestermusik vom 1. - 3. April 2011 in Koblenz. Video @ 2011 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsscher Chorverbände (AD... more
Gospelchor Rejoice Langenberg, "The Majesty And Glory Of Your Name" (Fettke/Johnson), Nacht der Musik in der Florinskirche, Koblenz am 2. April. Tage der Chor- und Orchestermusik vom 1. - 3. April 2011 in Koblenz. Video © 2011 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutss... more
ON May 26th, 2012, there is a show, a VERY important show you don't want to miss.... Join Burstin' With Broadway, North Vancouver's own Broadway Choir of 120 for a fun evening of show tunes including music from Music Man, Spamalot, Grease, MEMPHIS, Th... more
Singin' in the Rain by Herb Nacio Brown and Arthur Freed, arr. Ken Cormier Performed at Reeldiculous (June 18 & 25, 2012) by Chor Leoni Men's Choir, Diane Loomer, Artistic Director (1940-2012). Soloist: Russell Cripps Choreography by Kevin Fatkin. Wa... more
Composer: Darius Lim Greendale Chorale's performance of 'The Magic of Wizard Devenza' in National A Capella Championships 2011. It was held at the Arts House on 14 August 2011. Greendale Chorale was awarded 'Silver' and came in 2nd in the 'Choir Category'.
Utah Chamber Artists received the 2011 Governor's Mansion Artist Award on November 30, 2011. At the ceremony they performed several songs, one of which was a new arrangement of "Sankta Lucia" composed by Barlow Bradford.
2º PREMIO EN LA XXXI EDICION DEL CERTAMEN CORAL FIRA DE TOTS SANTS EL 5 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2011 EN COCENTAINA 2nd Prize in the XXXI Choral Competition of Fira de Tots Sants November 5 2011, Cocentaina