International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


324 results found
Nidarosdomens Guttekor - Behind the scenes in Berlin
video: Nidarosdomens Guttekor - Behind The scenes in Berlin

Behind The scenes of our tour to Berlin in November. Filmed by NGK November 2016. Edited by SPÆTT films. Music by Nidarosdomens Guttekor. Conductor Bjørn Moe. John Rutter - The Lord bless you and keep you, Nidarosdomens Guttekor Ludvig Niels...  more

The University Choir, KNUST --- The Lord is my Strength (Soprano Duet)
video: The University Choir, KNUST --- The Lord is my Strength (Soprano Duet)

An Oratorio by G. F Handel performed by The University Choir, KNUST at The National Theatre, Accra.

blog: How to increase your enjoyment of singing in The choir in The Coming year

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir] I wrote a post a while ago called Ask not what your choir can do for you – ask what can you do for your choir. The more you put in, The more you get ...

Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord - Alejandro Consolacion II (b. 1980)
video: Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord - Alejandro Consolacion II (b. 1980)

University of The Philippines Manila Chorale Eman de Leon, conductor

"Lord, Reign In Me" (Brenton Brown)
video: "Lord, Reign In Me" (Brenton Brown)

Gospelchor Rejoice Langenberg, "Lord, Reign In Me" (Brenton Brown), Nacht der Musik in der Florinskirche, Koblenz am 2. April. Tage der Chor- und Orchestermusik vom 1. - 3. April 2011 in Koblenz. Video © 2011 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsscher Chorverbände ...  more

blog: World Peace Choral Festival 2020

From July 15th to 19th 2020, Vienna, The music capital of The world, will be once again The stage for children and youth choirs from all around The world. Under The slogan "Coming togeTher to sing, singing for a better future", The young participants will...

Andrew Carter: Go before us, O Lord
video: Andrew Carter: Go before us, O Lord

The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown (conductor) St. John's Episcopal Church, Northampton, Massachusetts (USA) 5 July 2014 Facebook: Website:

Welsh Male Voice Choir - THE LORD'S PRAYER - Cantorion Colin Jones
video: Welsh Male Voice Choir - The Lord'S PRAYER - Cantorion Colin Jones

Cantorion Colin Jones are a male voice choir from North Wales. This version was conducted by our founder member, Colin Jones FOR MORE DETAILS AND INFORMATION REGARDING The CHOIR, CLICK ON OUR NEW WEBSITE or http:...  more

The Nations Are Now The Lord's - F. Mendelssohn - St. Paul - Jakarta Festival Chorus
video: The Nations Are Now The Lord's - F. Mendelssohn - St. Paul - Jakarta Festival Chorus

Jakarta Festival Chorus "Mendelssohn's St. Paul " Concert 14th November 2009 @ Aula Simfonia Jakarta. Conductor: Rev. Lee Chong Min * this is an authorized version taken from an audience's camera, so recording might not be too good