The Choristers of the Cathedral Church of Saint John the DivineMalcolm Merriweather, Conductor The renowned Choristers make their Met debut with a lively and seasonal program by Benjamin Britten, John Rutter, and Robert Sirota. With soloists...
The Major Minors Children’s Choir in New Zealand, is celebrating 5 years of singing this month. The choir that started out as a 3 month project with no name in 2012 is in final preparations for a special anniversary Concert i...
VIVA, Sandnes kulturskolekor sing their traditional Advent Concerts like they have done over the past 40 years the last week-end before Christmas. This year's guest Concert in Madlamark kirke on Saturday 17. December at 1800 hrs, and in our own par...
Short Motet on the text Blessed are the dead who die in Christ, even so said the spirit for they rest from their labours, part of the Concert choir series from Spartan Press
German choir Kammerchor Vocalisti won the Fleischmann Trophy at this years' Cork International Choral Festival. This is one of the pieces they performed for the closing gala Concert in City Hall.
The Major Minors Children's Choir (a training choir for children aged 4-12 in Upper Hutt, New Zealand) had such a great turnout to their Concert on 19 May 2013....there wasn't enough seats!!
The Major Minors Children's Choir in NZ was founded in 2012 by qualified musicians who voluntarily run two children's choirs based in Upper Hutt. Children for both choirs are aged 4-13 at the moment. We have grown in sound (and n...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I’m often asked by Concert-goers and choir leaders alike: “Where do you get all your songs from?” Well, here...
In 2012 the St. Olaf Choir celebrates the centennial of its founding at St. Olaf College by F. Melius Christiansen. Sharing their music beyond "the hill" (the St. Olaf Community) has been an important part of their identity since the very beginning. A... more
Concert in "Ulrichskirche Halle" at women in jazz festival