An die Freude Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Arr. Ralph Manuel Jovem Canto Youth Choir Altamiro Bernardes X Festival Mundus Cantat SecuLAr Music Auditions Silver Diplom Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the Sea Sopot - PoLAnd May 2014
The Stairwell Carollers entry for 2013 included Pete's original arrangement of Iesous Ahatonnia For a number of our new Stairwellers this was a first -- to perform at Kiwanis! The direct...
LAss="view_more">The Noblemen is a men’s chorus ensemble and open to all men in the University community from all disciplines that love to sing and enjoy camaraderie through great music. Music from every music epoch will be performed from serious to more pop/contemporary ... LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">The Noblemen is a men’s chorus ensemble and open to all men in the University community from all disciplines that love to sing and enjoy camaraderie through great music. Music from every music epoch will be performed from serious to more pop/contemporary a cappelLA forms. This ensemble is offered every fall and spring semester, and satisfies the fine arts requirement when enrolled for a minimum of three semesters.
Dear Friends! I would like to invite You and your group to experience the magic of Barcelona and the Costa Brava at our upcoming competition Sea Sun Festival. This is a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant culture and traditions of Catalonia whil...
Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet José Híjar Polo, director Puerto de LA Cruz Bach Festival Iglesia de LA Peña de Francia, 20 de diciembre de 2015 Imagen y sonido: Mediawink
Our female division performing at the closing ceremony at the Venezia in Musica international Festival, as winner in the category of female Choirs. The piece is called Rusulica.
43. International Choir Contest Tolosa, Spain. Certamen Coral de Tolosa. This is a service of Choral Festival Network (CFN) Vocal Groups Sacred Music grupos vocales musica religiosa, October 31 2011
Let us be gLAd is an oratorio composition by Eke Chijindu Favour Hedges from his book titled ReveLAtion.
LAss="view_more">This 12-member performs vocal jazz, madrigals, and pop a cappelLA, etc., and is avaiLAble for smaller venues around campus and the immediate Fayetteville area. An additional schoLArship is offered to people who are successfully pLAced in the group. Membe... LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">This 12-member performs vocal jazz, madrigals, and pop a cappelLA, etc., and is avaiLAble for smaller venues around campus and the immediate Fayetteville area. An additional schoLArship is offered to people who are successfully pLAced in the group. Membership in MU Chorale is required
2016 Christmas Concert at Knox United Church, Saskatoon, SK. Directed by Richard Janzen Audrey Falk Janzen, pianist ( RJC Chorale Soloists: Liam Buhler, Jackson Skoworodko, Nathan Bartel