Виконує – Академічний камерний хор «Хрещатик» Диригент – Павло Струць, Аранжування – Євген Петреченко, Режисер-постановник – Анастасія Гнатюк, Хореограф-постановник – Олена Столярова, Оператор, монтаж – Віктор Бондаренко.
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] It’s the final rehearsal before your big concert. The warm up is over and everyone is ready to go. But a handful of singers (the usual suspects...
Greetings to all SSAA choirs and conductors, Are you on the lookout for an extraordinary piece that will elevate your choir's repertoire and leave an indelible mark on your audience? As a composer deeply passionate about choral music, I've always...
The Bismarck State College Concert Choir is a 50 voice non-audition mixed collegiate choir that performs medium to advanced choral literature. Primary goals are to obtain a strong foundational choral training and raise the standard of non-audition choirs ... more
Exultate Chamber Choir performs the Kyrie from Josef Rheinberger's Mass in E flat Opus 109
28.7.2012 kolobrzeg in Poland, Pilgrim Mission Choir Maestro Jae-joon, Lee
Mcondece Village Choir sings a beautiful piece in Chichewa entitled 'Ndiyende Njirayi'. Mcondece village, a spectacular inland village in northern Mozambique, often visited by elephants and other wildlife, won second prize in the 2012 Manda Wilderness Cho... more
via YouTube Capture
Festival Performance of Ankara Rising Mixed Choir
The Fourth Choir (temporary name) will focus on performing great choral works - long and short, new and old, familiar and forgotten - and aim to sing at the highest competition standards and be semi-professional in a few years time. We think that with al...