3,089 results found
Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
From our FALL POPS concert in Saskatoon, SK
Knox United Church November 3, 2024
North Sky Chorale is directed by Richard Janzen
Audrey Falk Janzen, collaborative pianist
Audio and Video Recording by Craig Bauman
Video editing by Richard Janzen
Audio... moreFrom our FALL POPS concert in Saskatoon, SK
Knox United Church November 3, 2024
North Sky Chorale is directed by Richard Janzen
Audrey Falk Janzen, collaborative pianist
Audio and Video Recording by Craig Bauman
Video editing by Richard Janzen
Audio Mastering by Brandon Janzen
Adoramos te - Francisco de la Torre
Y aquí tenemos otro video que realizamos con audio grabado en directo: "Adoramos te, Señor" de Francisco de la Torre, perteneciente a "Mar Océana, relato y música de la primera vuelta al mundo", nuestro último programa estrenado el pasado 27 de junio en E... moreY aquí tenemos otro video que realizamos con audio grabado en directo: "Adoramos te, Señor" de Francisco de la Torre, perteneciente a "Mar Océana, relato y música de la primera vuelta al mundo", nuestro último programa estrenado el pasado 27 de junio en Espacio Santa Clara, Sevilla.
Maria Jesús Pacheco - Soprano
Raquel Batalloso - Soprano
Teresa Martínez - Alto
Julio López - Tenor
Alejandro Ramírez - Bajo
Juan González Batanero - Órgano
Video autor: Marco Bambrilla
( licenses/by/3.0/us/) less
Skyfall - Naya Chorale
This Music video was a stretch goal in Naya's successful crowd funding campaign to produce their debut album and was made possible by the incredible support of 121 people. Skyfall is the first track on the Album.
Web... moreThis Music video was a stretch goal in Naya's successful crowd funding campaign to produce their debut album and was made possible by the incredible support of 121 people. Skyfall is the first track on the Album.
Ambrož Čopi: Barčica - vokalna skupina Gallina
Skladatelj/Composer: Ambrož Čopi (1973)
Besedilo/Lyrics: slovenska ljudska/slovenian folk song
Izvajalec/Performer: Gallina, vokalna skupina/ vocal group
Umetniška vodja/Artistic leadership: Ana Erčulj
Video/ Video editing: Maša Simčič
Agnus Dei - Perry Rumengan
Agnus Dei
Composer: Perry Rumengan
The following video is a Virtual Video of the XVI National Student Pesparawi Choir presented by the Darma Cendika Catholic University Student Choir - Benedicamus Chante
I Got Sympathy \ יש לי סימפטיה - Quinta and a Half \ קוינטה וחצי
This is a video shot by Ben Bram, a dear friend and a proffesional vocal arranger from LA, of us singing "I Got Sympathy" by Shlomo Gronich. The video was shot pretty much spontaneously in the middle of the street in Tel Aviv. Hope you guys enjoy it!
ב... moreThis is a video shot by Ben Bram, a dear friend and a proffesional vocal arranger from LA, of us singing "I Got Sympathy" by Shlomo Gronich. The video was shot pretty much spontaneously in the middle of the street in Tel Aviv. Hope you guys enjoy it!
בקליפ הזה שצולם ע"י בן בראם, חבר טוב ומעבד אקפלה מקצועי מלוס אנג'לס, אנחנו מבצעים את "יש לי סימפטיה" של שלמה גרוניך. הקליפ צולם בספונטניות מוחלטת באמצע הרחוב בתל אביב. מקווים שתהנו!
דף הפייסבוק שלנו / our facebook page: less
The Silver Swan - Orlando Gibbons
The Giovanni Consort is a chamber vocal ensemble based in Perth, Western Australia. The group performs a wide range of choral Music from medieval to modern times and is renowned for its exquisite Musicianship and attention to detail.
This video was rec... moreThe Giovanni Consort is a chamber vocal ensemble based in Perth, Western Australia. The group performs a wide range of choral Music from medieval to modern times and is renowned for its exquisite Musicianship and attention to detail.
This video was recorded at their June 2012 concert, "El Grillo" in the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery at the University of Western Australia
O dulce nomen - Étienne Moulinié
Presentamos un nuevo vídeo con audio grabado en directo y proveniente de nuestro último concierto en Sevilla. "O dolce nomen" de Étienne Mouliné es una de las bellas piezas del barroco francés temprano que se pudo escuchar el caluroso 24 de junio en el Or... morePresentamos un nuevo vídeo con audio grabado en directo y proveniente de nuestro último concierto en Sevilla. "O dolce nomen" de Étienne Mouliné es una de las bellas piezas del barroco francés temprano que se pudo escuchar el caluroso 24 de junio en el Oratorio de la Escuela de Cristo.
Melodical Sensations & Umlazi Levites Choir - Sicela Izibusiso (Official Audio)
Melodical Sensations & Umlazi Levites Choir collaborated for a song called Sicela Izibusiso. It was first performed on the "Art of I-Kulture" in October 2020.
Now it is available for streaming and downloads on all digital platforms.
ITunes:... moreMelodical Sensations & Umlazi Levites Choir collaborated for a song called Sicela Izibusiso. It was first performed on the "Art of I-Kulture" in October 2020.
Now it is available for streaming and downloads on all digital platforms.
Apple Music:
Songwriter: Xolani Khumalo
Leading Vocals: Sindi Mtshali, Aphiwe Maphumulo, Nomzamo Nxumalo & Sinothile Mhlongo.
©2021 Melodical Sensations (Pty) Ltd & Umlazi Levites Music less