Participación en el "I Ciclo de Música de Cuaresma en San Pablo", organizado por la Iglesia de San Pablo, en Zaragoza, el 14 de Marzo de 2018. Directora: Marta Pilar Hernando
Composta per Coro Misto da Marcos Vinicius, questa versione per Tromba in Do (audio in MIDI FILE) è dedicata a Gian Marco Silvestri, che ne eseguirà prossimamente la Prima Assoluta. Testi e scelta foto di Anita Madaluni. "Pie Jesu" is written by Marcos V... more
HCS is a non-auditioning, mixed-voice choir of approx 60 voices, based in the south side of Glasgow. We rehearse, in excellent facilities provided by HutcheSons' Grammar School, on Monday evenings, Aug - Nov and Jan - Mar; we give two concerts, in Nov ... more
Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: Cristo Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, dir... more
Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: Cristo Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, dir... more
Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, May 26, 2019 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas Sopranos: Katherine Dick, Julianna Fox, Rupal Gupta, Nicole Murray, Victoria OlSon, Sydney Seratte, Sarah Sheldon Altos: ... more
Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, May 25, 2019 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Kansas City, Missouri Sopranos: Katherine Dick, Julianna Fox, Rupal Gupta, Nicole Murray, Victoria OlSon, Sydney Seratte, Sarah Sheldon ... more
Sostieni la nostra attività facendo una donazione libera a questo link Ensemble vocale Florilegium Vocis Orchestra barocca S. Teresa dei Maschi Maria Luisa Casali, soprano Tina D'Alessandro, mezz... more
We are more than 50 voices. We began our journey in the 90s. Our repertoire is varied (Gregorian, Renaissance, Baroque, American standards, popular Spanish Song, Opera, Gospel, etc..) We actively participate in cultural life of the towns of our influen... more
We are a small friendly choir performing a broad repertoire from early to modern music. Founded in 1985, the Chandos Chamber Choir is an auditioned amateur choir of approximately 30 voices. The choir performs about Three times a year both within London an... more