International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


204 results found
IGNITE Gospel Choir
group: IGNITE Gospel Choir

Ignite Gospel Choir was founded by Keara Sheeran… In Oct of 2008 I returned to the Jes church, the place I had grown up with my father running the folk mass choir. He had retired 12 years previously. What was once a packed out mass full of Joy and pray...  more

O Be Joyful | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: O Be Joyful | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"O Be Joyful" by Philip Stopford. Text Psalm 100 and "Gloria Patri". Recorded live on July 12, 2015, at Christ Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Tour Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis ...  more

blog: POP ROCK group singing workshops in 50140 Mortain Normandy France

50140 Mortain   Pop Rock Group Singing Workshops   SPACES AVAILABLE 7 Weekly Sessions - starting on Tuesday 25 April 19h00 - 20h30    Experience the Joy and many wellbeing benefits of...

Look and Live by Imo City Chorale Owerri
video: Look and Live by Imo City Chorale Owerri

Imo City Chorale Owerri performs the hymn 'Look and Live . Sing for Joy with Imo City Chorale Owerri first Edition

MAY THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH for SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2001)
video: MAY THE WORDS of MY MOUTH for SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2001)

Yih'yu l'ratson (May the words of my mouth) [Psalm 19:14] Setting in English by Stanley M. Hoffman (2001) Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jennifer Lester, conductor Music: © Copyright 2003 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishing. ww...  more

YIH'YU L'RATSON for SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2001)
video: YIH'YU L'RATSON for SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2001)

Yih'yu l'ratson (May the words of my mouth) [Psalm 19:14] Setting in Hebrew by Stanley M. Hoffman (2001) Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jennifer Lester, conductor Music: © Copyright 2003 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishing. www...  more

group: Port Huron Northern Choirs

We are made up of 3 different choirs - Mixed Chorus, Treble Choir, and Concert Choir. All of our members are students at Port Huron Northern High School and range from 13-18 years of age. We all share a love of music and create Joy through singing together.

blog: Pop Up Pop Rock Choir - Rennes - France

Join us for our New monthly groups in Rennes at Aux Beaux Parleurs       Join Our New POP-UP Pop Rock Choir in Rennes!   Sing from Your Heart, Soul, and Diaphragm! Experience the Joy and many...

Moon River - Open Arts Community Choir as part of BBC1's 'Last Choir Standing' 2008
video: Moon River - Open Arts Community Choir as part of BBC1's 'Last Choir Standing' 2008

In this clip the Open Arts community Choir famously make the judge, Sharon D.Clarke '..cry tears of musical Joy!' The song 'Moon River' originally made famous in the film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's with Audrey Hepburn. The soloists in this song are An...  more

Blest pair of Sirens
video: Blest pair of Sirens

Introduction by Martin How, followed by Blest Pair of Sirens by C H H Parry Blest pair of Sirens, pledges of Heav'n's Joy, Sphere-born harmonious sisters, Voice and Verse, Wed your divine sounds, and mixed pow'r employ, Dead things with inbreathed ...  more