Remembrance Sunday service 2014 at St. Saviour's Church in Bournemouth
@ Çanakkale Choir Festival Conductor is directing the performance of the audience when they begin to Sing. Such a great moment...
The debut Single from our upcoming album 'Sing-Along Family Jams by The Build-A-Bear Kids' is available to stream or download now! Learn all of the lyrics here to Sing along with the whole family!
Singing with Just Sing! Community Choir is fun, friendly and fabulously relaxed! No auditions. No need to be able read music. No previous Singing experience required. Affordable membership fees. And your first rehearsal is absolutely FREE. ... more
The Or Y-a Choir is a women's choir under the direction of Nomi Teplow. The choir is comprised of women of all ages from all over Samaria in Israel who come together to Sing in a variety of musical styles in close harmony, to learn to Sing and to have a good time.
Anthem by Adrian Batten sung by the dwsChorale - multitrack one-man choir erstwhile alto at St Michael's Cornhill When we sang this, it was mentioned (during the rehearsal of course!) that this anthem was particularly appropriate since it mentions ... more
The Wilful Choir is a fun and friendly choir located near Kingston riverside. We Sing a wide variety of songs from around the world. The perfect choir for the complete beginner, the experienced or just those who love to Sing in the shower. No audition. CBC Music asks the world renowned Swedish Singer and conductor Fred Sjoberg to demonstrate the basics of Singing. CBC Music asks world renowned Composer Conductor and Singer Bob Chilcott to demonstrate the basics of Singing.