223 results found
Choirs R Us: Room In Your Heart
‘Room In Your Heart’ performed at our Choirs R Us Spring Concert 2018 on 24th March 2018 in aid of the Manor Drive Methodist Church, Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice and Ali’s Gift. Choir Director: Jenny Bennett. For more info:
Newport Philharmonic Choir
Formed following the Newport National Eisteddfod (Welsh cultural festival) in 1988, Newport Philharmonic Choir has gone from strength to strength over the past 25 years.
We are a mixed choir, putting on 3 concerts per year; a Spring concert with a wide... moreFormed following the Newport National Eisteddfod (Welsh cultural festival) in 1988, Newport Philharmonic Choir has gone from strength to strength over the past 25 years.
We are a mixed choir, putting on 3 concerts per year; a Spring concert with a wide and varied mixture of music, an orchestral concert in the Autumn, and a charity Christmas concert.
We can also be seen throughout the year taking part in various community events; singing at the local Christmas grotto, taking part in flash mobs and singing at weddings and funerals. less
Searching Love - Kim André Anrnesen
Visit our website for future performances:
Saturday April 28, at 7:00 PM
St. Paul's United Methodist CHURCH
58 West Main Street
Middletown, NY 10940
59th Annual Spring Con... moreVisit our website for future performances:
Saturday April 28, at 7:00 PM
St. Paul's United Methodist CHURCH
58 West Main Street
Middletown, NY 10940
59th Annual Spring Concerts
Janiece Kohler Artistic Director
Searching Love - Kim André Anrnesen
Please like us on facebook. Thank you!
Visit our website for future performances:
We are a mixed chorus SATB accompanied by piano, brass or orchestra. This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to hear a professional quality performance at no cost/donation. Please invite your family and friends.
Videography - Patrick Maney less
Double Trouble
Originally from: film 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban
Lyrics: William Shakespeare (from MacBeth)
Music: John Williams
Arrangement: Teena Chinn
Sound: Johan De Cock
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "Game of... moreOriginally from: film 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban
Lyrics: William Shakespeare (from MacBeth)
Music: John Williams
Arrangement: Teena Chinn
Sound: Johan De Cock
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "Game of Tones" on May 13, 2014.
Die Donker - Stella Choir
Performed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF Spring 2024
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Conductor :
In the dark (die donker) I see a delicate flame, evoking memories of simpler days. Love and fear merge as I seek solace fro... morePerformed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF Spring 2024
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In the dark (die donker) I see a delicate flame, evoking memories of simpler days. Love and fear merge as I seek solace from the approaching darkness.
Dans le noir (die donker) je vois une flamme délicate, évocation de souvenirs de jours heureux. L'amour et la peur se mêlent alors que je cherche le réconfort face à l'obscurité.
Die Donker (The Dark)
Two Afrikaans Songs
Arranged by André van der Merwe
Conducted by Jad Harjane
Die Gang - Christopher Torr
(Published by: Christopher Torr Music)
As performed by Laurika Rauch
Klein Tambotieboom - Die Heuwels Fantasties
Video directed by Mohammed Ben Yekhlef at LADABATEK , Tangier less
Allah Ya Moulana (Save Me Lord) - Stella Choir
Performed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF Spring 2024
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Enough tears have streamed from my eyes. Life has cast me aside, leaving me devoid of hope. "For God's sake," you ask, bu... morePerformed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF Spring 2024
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Conductor :
Enough tears have streamed from my eyes. Life has cast me aside, leaving me devoid of hope. "For God's sake," you ask, but what more can I give? My story is etched upon my brow, every desire extinguished. There's no more fight left in me.
Assez de larmes ont coulé de mes yeux. La vie m'a mis de côté, me laissant sans espoir. « Pour l'amour de Dieu », demandez-vous, mais que puis-je donner de plus ? Mon histoire est gravée sur mon front, tout désir éteint. Il n'y a plus de combat en moi.
Conducted by Jad Harjane
Arranged by Ismail Messari and Jad Harjane
Video directed by Mohammed Ben Yekhlef at LADABATEK , Tangier
Lyrics :
Take my pain away
Save me !
الله يا مولانا
الله، الله يا الله مولانا
الله يا مولانا
حالي ما يخفاك يا الواحد ربي
سبحان الحي الباقي
سبحانك يا إله جود أعلي
سبحان الحي الباقي
سبحانك يا إله جود أعلي
Save me Lord, Save me !
يكفاك ده البكا ... less
Disney Movie Magic
Medley with music from Disney movies 'Hercules', 'The Hunchback of the Notre Dame', 'The Lion King', '101 Dalmatiens', 'Toy Story' and 'Pocahontas'.
Arrangement: Mac Huff
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "A Blast From... moreMedley with music from Disney movies 'Hercules', 'The Hunchback of the Notre Dame', 'The Lion King', '101 Dalmatiens', 'Toy Story' and 'Pocahontas'.
Arrangement: Mac Huff
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "A Blast From The Past" on May 12, 2015.
It's a Grand Night for Singing
Voices of Aloha choir perform an ebulient rendition of "It's a Grand Night for Singing" at their 2017 Spring Concert under the direction of Mark Yasuhara.
Alla Polacca Children and Youth choir - Chamber Ensemble
Alla Polacca's Chamber Ensemble at the II Spring Festival of Choirs organized by the University of Warsaw in 2017.
- Salve Regina (Miklós Kocsár),
- Laudate Dominum (Rihards Dubra),
- On suuri sun rantas autius (Finnish trad. song, arr. M. H... more Alla Polacca's Chamber Ensemble at the II Spring Festival of Choirs organized by the University of Warsaw in 2017.
- Salve Regina (Miklós Kocsár),
- Laudate Dominum (Rihards Dubra),
- On suuri sun rantas autius (Finnish trad. song, arr. M. Hyökki),
- Hotaru koi (Japanese trad. song, arr. Ro Ogura),
- Sakura (Minao Shibata).
Let It Go
Originally from: Disney movie 'Frozen'
Lyrics and Music: Kristen Anderson-Lopez en Robert Lopez
Arrangement: Mac Huff
Sound: Johan De Cock
Performed by 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at their Spring concert "Game Of Tones" on May 13, 2014.