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Melbourne International Singers Festival 2021
Saturday June 12th and Sunday June 13th
Queen’s Birthday Weekend
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Join us for an amazing weekend of inspiring vocal workshops, music & laughter. Let’s Get Loud!
Venue & presenter details Coming soon
Stayed tuned for all The ...
The 9th World Peace Choral Festival
From July 26 – 29 2018 Vienna will be once again The stage for choirs from around The world. Under The slogan "Coming togeTher to sing, Singing for a better future" The participants will model and promote world peace.
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? (Negro spiritual, arr. M. Hogan) - Mixed Choir of Arts Academy Split
Soloists: Petra Jurič, Antonela Pilić Burić, Marijana Markotić, Lana Ćebo, Jelena Grubišić-Čabo
A part of The choir's performance at The International Choral Competition of Folcloristic Music ADRIA CANTAT 2016, awarded Golden Prize and 1st Place in The r... moreSoloists: Petra Jurič, Antonela Pilić Burić, Marijana Markotić, Lana Ćebo, Jelena Grubišić-Čabo
A part of The choir's performance at The International Choral Competition of Folcloristic Music ADRIA CANTAT 2016, awarded Golden Prize and 1st Place in The respective category. Recorded on May 28, 2016, in The Croatian National Theatre in Šibenik.
camera operator: Monika Kasalo
recording and production: Bernard Kahle -
Corale maschile Priamo Gallisay
From The desire of some now grown-up boys, Coming from The most diverse singing experiences, The Priamo Gallisay Male Choir was born in 2007 which immediately characterized itself for an unusual repertoire in The Nuoro musical panorama. In 2012, The birth... moreFrom The desire of some now grown-up boys, Coming from The most diverse singing experiences, The Priamo Gallisay Male Choir was born in 2007 which immediately characterized itself for an unusual repertoire in The Nuoro musical panorama. In 2012, The birth of The Priamo Gallisay Cultural Association completes The cultural path desired by The founders. The Corale has about 30 members among its ranks.
Romuald Twardowski - Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart (Nyne Otpushchayeshi)
► Complete playlist:
Open a'cappella concert, 29 January 2019, Hall of The Main Building of The Gdańsk University of Technology
Performer: Academic Choir of The Gdańsk University... more► Complete playlist:
Open a'cappella concert, 29 January 2019, Hall of The Main Building of The Gdańsk University of Technology
Performer: Academic Choir of The Gdańsk University of Technology (AChPG)
Conductor: Mariusz Mróz
Audio and editing: Bartłomiej 'Przymrozek' Mróz, Jan Cychnerski
And I saw a new Heaven
AnThem by Edgar Bainton
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:
for The first heaven and The first earth were passed away;
and There was no more sea.
And I John saw The holy city, new Jerusalem,
Coming down from God out of heaven,
prepared as a ... moreAnThem by Edgar Bainton
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:
for The first heaven and The first earth were passed away;
and There was no more sea.
And I John saw The holy city, new Jerusalem,
Coming down from God out of heaven,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of Heaven, saying,
Behold, The tabernacle of God is with men,
and he will dwell with Them, and They shall be his people,
and God himself shall be with Them, and be Their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from Their eyes;
and There shall be no more death, neiTher sorrow, nor crying,
neiTher shall There be any more pain:
for The former things are passed away.
(Revelation 21)
Sung at Canterbury CaThedral during our Royal School of Church Music Summer Course in 1986, under Martin How.
I (David W Solomons) was one of The altos.
John Huntley - a fellow alto - recorded this performance.
Vocalize is a community choir ran by Lauren Faulkner in saltney. We have around 30 mixed sex members and meet once a week to rehearse. We have performed in many local venues entertaining The community also entering Dee's Got Talent in 2012 Coming third. W... moreVocalize is a community choir ran by Lauren Faulkner in saltney. We have around 30 mixed sex members and meet once a week to rehearse. We have performed in many local venues entertaining The community also entering Dee's Got Talent in 2012 Coming third. We are an expanding choir with a wide repertoire and have many aims and goals for The future.