7,648 results found
Vocal Warm-Ups You Can Do In The Car
If you’re a singer on your way to a voice lesson, rehearsal, or audition, it’s always good to do a bit of warming up in the car, because there are few things more annoying to Music directors than singers wasting time complaining that they&rsqu...
Alexandrian Voices at Berlin International Festival of Choirs
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Οι Αλεξανδρινές Φωνές στο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Χορωδιών Βερολίνου
Αν και χορωδία διαιωνίστηκε στην κατηγορία Folk Music, η παράσταση που βραβεύθηκε ως
"Καλύτερη Παρουσίαση" στο σύνολο του διαγωνισμού.
Ακούγονται με τη σ... moreInfo | Πληροφορίες:
Οι Αλεξανδρινές Φωνές στο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Χορωδιών Βερολίνου
Αν και χορωδία διαιωνίστηκε στην κατηγορία Folk Music, η παράσταση που βραβεύθηκε ως
"Καλύτερη Παρουσίαση" στο σύνολο του διαγωνισμού.
Ακούγονται με τη σειρά τα τραγούδια:
* Το γιασεμί (Παραδοσιακό Κύπρου/Αιγαίου)
* Λεμονάκι (Παραδοσιακό του γάμου)
* Άγια Μαρίνα (Παραδοσιακό Κύπρου - Επεξεργασία Άλκης Μπαλτάς)
* Θαλασσάκι (Παραδοσιακό Αιγαίου)
* Μια Σμυρνιά στο παραθύρι (Παραδοσιακό Αιγαίου - Επεξεργασία Ιωάννης Κωνσταντινίδης)
* Πέρδικα (Παραδοσιακό Κέρκυρας - Επεξεργασία Γιάννης Ιωαννίδης)
* Απρίλης (Στίχοι-Μουσική Μίκη Θεοδωράκη)
* Μυρτιά (Μουσική Μίκη Θεοδωράκη - Στίχοι Νίκου Γκάτσου)
* Η άμαξα μες στη βροχή (Στίχοι-Μουσική Απόστολος Χατζηχρήστος - Επεξεργασία Βασίλης Τενίδης)
* Βάρκα Γιαλό (Στίχοι-Μουσική Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης - Επεξεργασία Βασίλης Τενίδης)
The performance for the folk category of the concert that was awarded as the "Best Presentation" of the contest in total.
The songs in o... less
ALBION - Winners of the Buxton Fringe Festival Music Vocal 2015
Albion Win
"The diction, intonation and ensemble is impeccable, and their dynamic range is magical - I have seldom heard quiet singing quite like it - barely audible but with an intensity of line and sound that is truly wonderful. They have the...
SLU Glee Club - The Conversion of Saul
The Conversion of Saul by Dr. Z. Randall Stroope. Live performance by The Saint Louis University Glee Club conducted by Mrs. Normita 'Bing' Rio - Pablico, National Music Competitions for Young Artists 2009, College Choir Category at the Cultural Center of... moreThe Conversion of Saul by Dr. Z. Randall Stroope. Live performance by The Saint Louis University Glee Club conducted by Mrs. Normita 'Bing' Rio - Pablico, National Music Competitions for Young Artists 2009, College Choir Category at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. The group bagged the second prize. First prize: University of Mindanao Choir.
Oll an Gwella
Oll an Gwella are a bunch of beauties! All members of Newquay Male Voice Choir, they are a rehearsed, a cappella, male chorus with a repertoire consisting of over 100 songs including Shanties, Cornish folk, 1960s classics, seasonal & sacred Music.
T... moreOll an Gwella are a bunch of beauties! All members of Newquay Male Voice Choir, they are a rehearsed, a cappella, male chorus with a repertoire consisting of over 100 songs including Shanties, Cornish folk, 1960s classics, seasonal & sacred Music.
Their 4-part harmony and infectious humour has brought them popularity as their repertoire and reputation have grown. Entertaining for pleasure, they raise thousands of pounds for voluntary, charity & community groups. £1200 profit from donations and their first CD was donated to “The Cove” Cancer Centre and further donations have been made to RNLI and Cornwall Blood Bikes (who have received more than £3400 as their current charity). Live broadcasts on local radio and a recording by ‘Spotlight’ for BBC Television followed. Singing from the main stages at Shows and Festivals across Cornwall they have shown their versatility by performing in Cornish at the Gorsedh Kernow cultural festival and by opening the main stage at “Boardmasters’ Music Festival. They ... less
Choosing choral repertoire
Choosing exactly the right repertoire for an ensemble is one of the most essential responsibilities of a conductor. We want Music that stimulates growth within the ensemble, and also enriches the Musical palette of the singers and of the audience me...