6,273 results found
The Brazilian Virtual choir Lab / September 13th, 2021
The Brazilian Virtual choir Lab is a different course, it's a cultural immersion!
Come sing with us!!!
Live from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the USA!
Each program will focus on enabling students to sing a Brazilian standard in Portuguese! Repertoir...
Eli Eli (Walk to Caesarea) - Jerusalem Oratorio Chamber choir
Eli Eli (Walk to Caesarea) - the famous Israeli song composed David Zehavi (1910-1977) to words by Hannah Szenes (1921-1944). Arranged for choir by Gil Aldema (b.1928).
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My God, My God
May th... moreEli Eli (Walk to Caesarea) - the famous Israeli song composed David Zehavi (1910-1977) to words by Hannah Szenes (1921-1944). Arranged for choir by Gil Aldema (b.1928).
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My God, My God
May these things never end:
The sand and the sea
The rustle of the water
The lightning in the sky
Man's prayer.
אֵלִי, אֵלִי
שֶׁלֹּא יִגָּמֵר לְעוֹלָם
הַחוֹל וְהַיָּם,
רִשְׁרוּשׁ שֶׁל הַמַּיִם,
בְּרַק הַשָּׁמַיִם,
תְּפִלַּת הָאָדָם.
The Jerusalem Oratorio Chamber choir conducted by Ronen Borshevsky.
Recording apeared on a CD which won the Golden Orpheus Award of the French Academy for best vocal music CD for 2007.
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אלי אלי (הליכה לקיסריה) - מילים מאת חנה סנש, מנגינה מאת דוד זהבי.
עיבוד למקהלה: גיל אלדמע
המקהלה הקאמרית אורטוריו ירושלים
מנצח - רונן בורשבסקי less
NNSU Academic choir - Declaration Of Love (Grand Hall of the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic)
Народный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Выступление на Международном хоровом фестивале в Санкт-Петербурге 30 мая 2009. Андрей Киселев - Признание.
Nizhny Novgorod State University Academic choir (N... moreНародный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Выступление на Международном хоровом фестивале в Санкт-Петербурге 30 мая 2009. Андрей Киселев - Признание.
Nizhny Novgorod State University Academic choir (NNSU choir). Performance at the International Choral Festival in Saint Petersburg, 05/30/2009. Andrei Kiselyov - Priznaniye (Declaration Of Love).
NNSU Academic choir - Pif-paf, oy-oy-oy! (concert 25.12.2010 )
5я часть - опера из советского мультипликационного фильма - театральной пародии "Пиф-паф, ой-ой-ой!" в исполнении Академического хора ННГУ на юбилейном концерте 25.12.2010. Музыка Максимма Дунаевского.
5th part - opera from the soviet animated film - the... more5я часть - опера из советского мультипликационного фильма - театральной пародии "Пиф-паф, ой-ой-ой!" в исполнении Академического хора ННГУ на юбилейном концерте 25.12.2010. Музыка Максимма Дунаевского.
5th part - opera from the soviet animated film - theatrical parody "Pif-paf, oy-oy-oy!", performed by the NNSU Academic choir at the jubilee concert 25.12.2010. Music by Maxim Dunaevsky.
The Manchester Bach choir
Singing with Us
The Manchester Bach choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. No audition required but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read mu... moreSinging with Us
The Manchester Bach choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. No audition required but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read music can be very helpful.
At present we are keen to recruit new members to all sections SATB and are particularly keen to enroll new bass singers. If you are interested in joining the choir or just want to find out a bit more about us, why not contact us?
Students welcome.
For further information please visit our website where you can contact the choir's recruitment team.
Scântei solare (Solar Flares) | The Girl choir of South Florida
"Scântei solare (Solar Flares)" by Jonathan R. Pieslak. Text Sabina Păuţa Pieslak.
Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of The Girl choir of South Florida on May 18, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Artistic Direct... more"Scântei solare (Solar Flares)" by Jonathan R. Pieslak. Text Sabina Păuţa Pieslak.
Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of The Girl choir of South Florida on May 18, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson.
Translation (Romanian):
Sun and stars, many tiny ones
A game of light on the mountain peak,
The snow has melted easily,
It flows clearly towards the spring.
The warm wind carried the spring,
The doe once again leaps through the valleys.
She drinks from the pure, crystal river
That pours itself smoothly into the sea;
Springtime is fully born,
The sea is rising, waves with foam,
Migratory birds are gathering,
A siren sings sweetly to them, "la da lo ..." less
Elektra Women's choir
With a mandate to inspire and lead in the choral art form through excellence in performance and through the creation, exploration and celebration of women’s repertoire, Vancouver’s renowned Elektra Women’s choir has taken a leadership role in the internat... moreWith a mandate to inspire and lead in the choral art form through excellence in performance and through the creation, exploration and celebration of women’s repertoire, Vancouver’s renowned Elektra Women’s choir has taken a leadership role in the international classical women’s choir movement.
The choir is known for its adventurous programming, seeking out music written specifically for women and frequently commissioning new works. Its appearances include performances at the distinguished National Convention of the American Choral Directors Association (February 2003 and March 1997), including memorable New York performances at Carnegie Hall, Riverside Church, and Avery Fisher Hall. Elektra was honoured to represent Canada at the Fourth World Symposium on Choral Music in Sydney, Australia (August 1996).
Recent engagements include organising and performing in Welcome the World: A Choral Gala, as part of the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad, hosting Tapestry International festival of women’s choirs in 2009,... less