Corvina Consort The repertoire of the Ensemble comprises of five centuries of church and secular as well as vocal and instrumental music. Its members are young artists who regularly perform with other significant early music Ensembles at home and abroa... more
A performance of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (Sund) by Camerata Musica Limburg (Jan Schumacher, conductor) during the 2013 ACDA National Conference in Dallas, Texas.
"Mozart y Haydn en las voces de Cantabile" dirigido por Pablo Carballido del Camino Teatro Colón de A Coruña 23 de octubre de 2013 Imágenes cedidas por CRTVG
64th Annual Choir Festival Dr. Joseph M. Martin, Conductor Dr. Gordon Turk, Organ Great Auditorium Brass Ensemble July 8, 2018 Filmed and Edited by Quinton Tramm
Clark County Children's Choir sings Reel a' Bouche by Malcolm Dalglish, directed by Holly Steed at their festival, If I Could Write a Song.
Funky Voices - "Relight My Fire" for Red Nose Day, Comic Relief Buy on iTunes Now!! FunkyVoices
Cantoria Sine Nomine (Italy) conductor Carlo Andriollo Live in Borgo Valsugana, january 2013
2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Ave Maris Stella - Edvard Grieg 萬福光耀海星 - 葛利格 葛利格(Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907)為挪威國民樂派鋼琴家、指揮家與作曲家,也是當時挪威國民樂派音樂最重要的發起人與領導者,並影響了挪威當代的作曲家。〈萬福光耀海星〉原為中世紀葛利果聖歌,創作者已難考據,多於修道院晚禱儀式中吟唱,讚頌聖母瑪利亞的德澤厚愛。這次將演... more
Coral Reyes Bartlet KV Ensemble José Híjar Polo, Maestro de Coro José María de Vicente, Director Carmen Acosta, Soprano Cristina Farrais, Alto Carlos Méndez, Tenor Augusto Brito, Bajo Iluminación Iec Concetta Rizza, Vídeo Luis Acuña, Sonido ... more
Performed at Church of the Holy Apostles, Chelsea, NYC, USA in March 2017 Featuring both our chorus and our professional Ensemble (as semi-chorus) Pianist: Robert Fleitz First Published 1997