216 results found
Cape Cod Surftones
Established in 1975, the Cape Cod Chapter (Surftones) is a men's singing organization that is dedicated to excellence in chorus and quartet a cappella singing. It is the mission of the Surftones to:
Promote and preserve barbershop harmony and educate t... moreEstablished in 1975, the Cape Cod Chapter (Surftones) is a men's singing organization that is dedicated to excellence in chorus and quartet a cappella singing. It is the mission of the Surftones to:
Promote and preserve barbershop harmony and educate the public in this truly American musical style
Strive for excellence in singing a cappella harmony
Encourage continued improvement in the singing capabilities of all our members, as individuals and as chorus and quartet members
Encourage fellowship and camaraderie among members and their families
Perform publicly throughout the year for both charitable and paid functions
Initiate, promote, support, and participate in charitable projects
Promote and support the Vision and Mission of the Barbershop Harmony Society
The Cape Cod Surftones is a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society and is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. less
Fauré - Requiem - Downtown Voices - Stephen Sands, Conductor - Choir - Orchestra - Classical
Gabriel Fauré - Requiem
St. Paul's Chapel, New York City
Trinity Church Wall Street (
Downtown Voices (
Stephen Sands, conductor (
Forrest Eimold, organ
0:00 - Introit et Kyrie... moreGabriel Fauré - Requiem
St. Paul's Chapel, New York City
Trinity Church Wall Street (
Downtown Voices (
Stephen Sands, conductor (
Forrest Eimold, organ
0:00 - Introit et Kyrie
6:13 - Offertory
14:31 - Sanctus
17:49 - Pie Jesu - Alexis Brown, soprano
20:54 - Agnus Dei
26:31 - Libera me - Malcom Merriweather, baritone
31:29 - In Paradisum
I Got Sympathy \ יש לי סימפטיה - Quinta and a Half \ קוינטה וחצי
This is a video shot by Ben Bram, a dear friend and a proffesional vocal arranger from LA, of us singing "I Got Sympathy" by Shlomo Gronich. The video was shot pretty much spontaneously in the middle of the Street in Tel Aviv. Hope you guys enjoy it!
ב... moreThis is a video shot by Ben Bram, a dear friend and a proffesional vocal arranger from LA, of us singing "I Got Sympathy" by Shlomo Gronich. The video was shot pretty much spontaneously in the middle of the Street in Tel Aviv. Hope you guys enjoy it!
בקליפ הזה שצולם ע"י בן בראם, חבר טוב ומעבד אקפלה מקצועי מלוס אנג'לס, אנחנו מבצעים את "יש לי סימפטיה" של שלמה גרוניך. הקליפ צולם בספונטניות מוחלטת באמצע הרחוב בתל אביב. מקווים שתהנו!
דף הפייסבוק שלנו / our facebook page: less
Royal Free Music Society
The Royal Free Music Society is a choir based at the Royal Free Hospital in North London. The choir was founded in 1999 by staff of the hospital. These days, some of our members are hospital staff whilst others are members of the local community. We now h... moreThe Royal Free Music Society is a choir based at the Royal Free Hospital in North London. The choir was founded in 1999 by staff of the hospital. These days, some of our members are hospital staff whilst others are members of the local community. We now have approximately 45 members in all and come together regularly to enjoy high-quality music-making whilst having fun.
Revutsky Academic Male Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Revutsky Academic Male Choir (more famous abroad under the brand-name BOYAN Ensemble of Kiev) is an unique professional male choral ensemble based in Kiev, capital of Ukraine. The main core of repertoire of our Choir consist of real Pearls of Ukrainian sa... moreRevutsky Academic Male Choir (more famous abroad under the brand-name BOYAN Ensemble of Kiev) is an unique professional male choral ensemble based in Kiev, capital of Ukraine. The main core of repertoire of our Choir consist of real Pearls of Ukrainian sacred, folk and contemporary choral music a cappella as well as musical pieces with folk instruments background.
Our most fresh big art-project is REQUIEM No. 2 in D Minor of Luigi CHERUBINI for male choir and orchestra (1836), prepared and performed in April 2016 in The National Philharmonic of Ukraine together with the men's group of the P. Mayboroda Academic Choir of the Ukrainian Radio and The Symphony Orchestra of the Ukrainian Radio.
Quotes from the British Media about our choir:
“... The concert was the most moving musical experience of my life... The 500-strong audience gave the Choir a five-minute standing ovation. “It was emotional dynamite“, - said Major Tyier, who said he had been moved to tears... The quality of the performance was outstanding... less
Duruflé - Requiem - Downtown Voices - Stephen Sands, conductor - Choir - Orchestra - Classical
Maurice Duruflé - Requiem
St. Paul's Chapel, NYC
Trinity Church Wall Street (
Downtown Voices (
Stephen Sands, conductor (
Forrest Eimold, organ
0:00 - Introit
3:25 - Kyrie el... moreMaurice Duruflé - Requiem
St. Paul's Chapel, NYC
Trinity Church Wall Street (
Downtown Voices (
Stephen Sands, conductor (
Forrest Eimold, organ
0:00 - Introit
3:25 - Kyrie eleison
7:20 - Offertory
15:50 - Sanctus and Benedictus
19:13 - Pie Jesu - Pamela Terry, mezzo-soprano
23:36 - Agnus Dei
27:45 - Communion
31:52 - Libera me
37:24 - In paradisum
South Cape Children's Choir
The South Cape Children's Choir, directed by Jan-Erik Swart, is one of the foremost regional children's choirs in South Africa. In 2010 it won the ATKV Animato Children's Choir Finals and the KKNK "Kanna" prize for best musical production (2013.... moreThe South Cape Children's Choir, directed by Jan-Erik Swart, is one of the foremost regional children's choirs in South Africa. In 2010 it won the ATKV Animato Children's Choir Finals and the KKNK "Kanna" prize for best musical production (2013.) During 2014 the SCCC won the "Musica Sacra" Open category of the World Choral Games, in Riga (2014) and all categories of the ATKV Animato Finals (2014), being awarded the prize of "Choir of the Competition." It has recorded eight cd's, one dvd; has toured Europe seven times and
Talented choristers from several schools in the Garden Route region of South Africa's Western Cape Province are auditioned and rehearse every Friday in the city of George, under the direction of conductor Jan-Erik Swart.
They perform a repertoire of up to 50 pieces per year, and perform full-length concerts between 26-33 times per year.
The Choir has hosted and sung with many of the foremost choirs in the world, including the World Youth Choir, the Tyge... less
Janet Wheeler - Imagine it! | MUSIC VIDEO | NYCGB
Janet Wheeler - 'Imagine It!'
Lyrics by John Taylor
Performed by
The National Youth Training Choir of Great Britain
with O Duo Percussion Ensemble: Oliver Cox & Owen Gunnell
Greg Beardsell - Conductor
Music video by Webb Street Studios
Audio by... moreJanet Wheeler - 'Imagine It!'
Lyrics by John Taylor
Performed by
The National Youth Training Choir of Great Britain
with O Duo Percussion Ensemble: Oliver Cox & Owen Gunnell
Greg Beardsell - Conductor
Music video by Webb Street Studios
Audio by Sonus Audio
Filmed at the Richard Whiteley Theatre at Giggleswick School, August 2018
Generously funded by a friend of NYCGB
Rachmaninoff All Night Vigil - Downtown Voices - Stephen Sands, Conductor
The All-night Vigil (Vespers) Sergie Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943)
Downtown Voices - Trinity Wall Street (
Stephen Sands, Conductor (
Luthien Brackett, mezzo-soprano
Brian Giebler, tenor
1. ... moreThe All-night Vigil (Vespers) Sergie Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943)
Downtown Voices - Trinity Wall Street (
Stephen Sands, Conductor (
Luthien Brackett, mezzo-soprano
Brian Giebler, tenor
1. Пріидите, поклонимся (Priidite, poklonimsya)
Come, Let us Worship
2. Благослови, душе моя, Господа (Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda) Bless the Lord, O My Soul
3. Блажен муж (Blazhen muzh) Blessed is the Man
4. Свeте тихій (Svete tikhyi) Gladsome Light
5. Нынe отпущаеши (Nyne otpushchayeshi) Lord, Now Lettest Thou
6. Богородице Дeво (Bogoroditse Devo) Rejoice, O Virgin
7. Слава в вышних Богу (Slava v vyshnikh Bogu) Glory to God in the Highest (The Six Psalms)
8. Хвалите имя Господне (Khvalite imya Gospodne) Praise the Name of the Lord
9. Благословен еси, Господи (Blagosloven esi, Gospodi) Blessed Art Thou, O Lord
10. Воскресение Христово видeвше (Voskreseniye Khristovo videvshe) Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
11. Величитъ ... less