"Media Vita" performed by Anúna, solo by Michael McGlynn also arranged from the Medieval source by Michael [for sheet music visit www.michaelmcglynn.com] . From the Album "ANÚNA" available from http://www.anuna.ie or iTunes. This video was first broadc... more
www.te-deum.org Andrew Cunard, baritone solo Live Performance, December 9, 2019 Sopranos: Katherine Dick, Julianna Fox, Rupal Gupta, Abby Helt, Victoria OlSon, Sydney Seratte, Sarah Sheldon Altos: Joanna Ehlers, Julia Kasten, Katie Kendle, Nanette... more
The Youth Choir of The Konakovo Boys and Youth Choral School directed by Vadim Makhnovsky. Solo - Arseniy Krupenin. || Исполняет Юношеский хор ХШМиЮ г. Конаково. Дирижёр - Вадим Махновский. Солист - Арсений Крупенин. http://twitter.com/kbchoir - The Ko... more
Recorded at the Christmas concert held in the Church of St. Francis in Split (Croatia) on December 19th 2013. www.voxanimae.hr www.facebook.com/voxanimae info@voxanimae.hr
Recorded at the Christmas concert held in the Montenegrin National Theatre in Podgorica on December 21st 2013. www.voxanimae.hr www.facebook.com/voxanimae info@voxanimae.hr
The Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir (TWMVC) was established in 1995 gathering together a group of like-minded individuals of Welsh heritage sought to kindle the spirit of traditional Welsh male voice singing in their adopted country. Ably assisted by, now ... more
Soaring Sounds is a professional chamber choir based in the Tampa Bay area. We specialize in a cappella music from various genres. We maintain two rosters of singers: classical and pop. Our pop roster focuses on Broadway, jazz, and pop; our classical rost... more
Psalm 136:1-5 (Vulgate) A four-part canon, with each entry a modal 4th above the preceding part. Free sheet music. Please get in touch! • Facebook: david.basden.9 • Email: deebee123 [at] bigpond.com
St Helen's church in Hollinfare celebrated its 500th anniversary in 1997 and invited the gentlemen of Manchester Cathedral Voluntary Choir to sing at the celebratory service. The service included a Jubilate, which I wrote especially for the purpose as a... more