International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Bishop Road Community Choir
group: Bishop Road Community Choir

Bishop Road Community Choir is open to all in The local community. We are a mixed, nOn-auditiOn choir. All sOngs are taught by ear and we dOn’t expect anyOne to learn The words off by heart. However, music can be made available for those who want it. W...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">Bishop Road Community Choir is open to all in The local community. We are a mixed, nOn-auditiOn choir. All sOngs are taught by ear and we dOn’t expect anyOne to learn The words off by heart. However, music can be made available for those who want it. We sing a range of different sOngs, including pop, Gospel, world music and classical. We mainly sing sOngs with piano accompaniMent, provided by our famous pianist, Geoff. We hold our own annual cOncert, and we are often invited to sing at oTher local events such as The local MayFest. Our Members coMe alOng for “enjoyMent, friendship and satisfactiOn as well as singing with a group of like-minded people”. Singing is reputed to release endorphins in The brain, and we’ve certainly noticed amOngst us a sense of well-being following rehearsals and in particular, cOncerts. We are a very sociable bunch and often Meet for a drink at The Chimp House On Gloucester Road following our rehearsal On Thursday evenings. Please do coMe alOng, new faces are always welcoMe. ...    Onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">less

group: BrightOn Swing Choir

BrightOn Swing Choir is a community choir specialising in music from The swing era and beyOnd. "It DOn't Mean a thing if it ain't Got that swing!". Open to everyOne, BrightOn Swing Choir is a brand new choir, brought to you by BrightOn's finest ...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">BrightOn Swing Choir is a community choir specialising in music from The swing era and beyOnd. "It DOn't Mean a thing if it ain't Got that swing!". Open to everyOne, BrightOn Swing Choir is a brand new choir, brought to you by BrightOn's finest a cappella female barbershop The Close Shaves, launching in April 2015. First rehearsal is 8-9.30pm On MOnday 27th April upstairs at The Eagle pub, Gloucester Passage, BrightOn" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> Bring your vocal cords!!  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">less

blog: I am TOnE DEAF!!!!

“I am tOne deaf.  You are nOn-auditiOned, but you dOn’t understand… I am TOnE DEAF! DID YOU HEAR Me?  ARE YOU DEAF? I am TOnE DEAF!!!!!!”   TOne deafness: DefinitiOn (from Wikipedia): “TOne de...

BEAUTIFUL - Choral Good VIbes Project
video: BEAUTIFUL - Choral Good VIbes Project

Beautiful by Christina Aguilera (excerpt) "We are beautiful No matter what They say Yes words wOn't bring us Down We are beautiful In every single way Yes words wOn't bring us Down DOn't you bring Me Down today" Download The scores at my websi...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">Beautiful by Christina Aguilera (excerpt) "We are beautiful No matter what They say Yes words wOn't bring us Down We are beautiful In every single way Yes words wOn't bring us Down DOn't you bring Me Down today" Download The scores at my website: Follow Me: Twitter - Facebook - Linkedin - Instagram - Soundcloud -  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">less

Destination Broadway Trailer - May 26th, 2012
video: DestinatiOn Broadway Trailer - May 26th, 2012

On May 26th, 2012, There is a show, a VERY important show you DOn't want to miss.... Join Burstin' With Broadway, North Vancouver's own Broadway Choir of 120 for a fun evening of show tunes including music from Music Man, Spamalot, Grease, MeMPHIS, Th...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">On May 26th, 2012, There is a show, a VERY important show you DOn't want to miss.... Join Burstin' With Broadway, North Vancouver's own Broadway Choir of 120 for a fun evening of show tunes including music from Music Man, Spamalot, Grease, MeMPHIS, The Wiz, Wicked, Kiss Me Kate, Anything Goes, Babes in Arms, Gypsy and many more. Burstin' with Broadway aims to make its cOncerts fun and leave you wanting more! CoMe check us out!  

Philippines - Haleluya - James Swu
video: Philippines - Haleluya - JaMes Swu

Grand ChampiOn at Wir Feiern 5 Novelty SOng Fest: A Choir CompetitiOn last November 12, 2012 in QuezOn City, Philippines. For more of SechrOn's Videos, Click more and subscribe! DOn't forget to Like our Facebook ...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">Grand ChampiOn at Wir Feiern 5 Novelty SOng Fest: A Choir CompetitiOn last November 12, 2012 in QuezOn City, Philippines. For more of SechrOn's Videos, Click more and subscribe! DOn't forget to Like our Facebook page at  

blog: Performance Bloopers by Not The Church Lady AKA Kelly Galbraith

 Originally published “DOn’t worry.  It always works out in performance.”  Nope.  Even as a ...

Coro della Polifonica Materana "Pierluigi da Palestrina"
group: Coro della PolifOnica Materana "Pierluigi da Palestrina"

L’attuale Coro della PolifOnica Materana “Pierluigi da Palestrina” trae origine dal Coro a voci bianche-voci virili costituito nel 1944 per iniziativa del Prof. Lucio MarcOni e del canOnico dOn Luigi Paternoster. Esercita per molti anni la funziOne di Cap...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">L’attuale Coro della PolifOnica Materana “Pierluigi da Palestrina” trae origine dal Coro a voci bianche-voci virili costituito nel 1944 per iniziativa del Prof. Lucio MarcOni e del canOnico dOn Luigi Paternoster. Esercita per molti anni la funziOne di Cappella Musicale, dapprima presso la chiesa di San Francesco da Paola, poi presso il Duomo cittadino, cOnseguendo cOntemporaneaMente nuMerosi successi in campo cOncertistico. Nel 1965 il Coro vince a Napoli il Primo Premio al COncorso Corale NaziOnale indetto dal Ministero della Pubblica IstruziOne. Nello stesso anno, incide per la FOnit Cetra un LP di canti popolari materani armOnizzati per coro virile. Negli anni ’70 l’attività corale viene sospesa per carenza di voci bianche, ma l’AssociaziOne cOntinua ad organizzare prestigiose StagiOni Musicali. Nel 1990 il M° Carmine AntOnio Catenazzo ricostituisce il Coro nella formaziOne a voci miste, affiancando successivaMente all’organico corale un’Orchestra da CaMera, una Schola GreGoriana ed un Ensemble Vocale. Ha e...    Onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">less

AFRICAN ALLELUIA (J. Althouse) - IX Encuentro Coral Nacional -
video: AFRICAN ALLELUIA (J. Althouse) - IX Encuentro Coral NaciOnal -

African Alleluia de Jay Althouse interpretada por la Agrupación Coral de DOn Benito (Badajoz), la Coral Polifónica "Ecijana" (Écija) y el Coro "Santa María" (Coria del Río) como obra final cOnjunta del IX Encuentro CoralNaciOnal que organiza la Asociación...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">African Alleluia de Jay Althouse interpretada por la Agrupación Coral de DOn Benito (Badajoz), la Coral Polifónica "Ecijana" (Écija) y el Coro "Santa María" (Coria del Río) como obra final cOnjunta del IX Encuentro CoralNaciOnal que organiza la Asociación Musical Coro "Santa María", celebrado en el Centro Cultural de la Villa "Pastora Soler" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) el Sábado 1 de octubre de 2022. Mas información en:  

Rosario di Orgosolo - Antonio Sanna - Complesso Vocale di Nuoro
video: Rosario di OrGosolo - AntOnio Sanna - Complesso Vocale di Nuoro

Scritto e dedicato al Complesso Vocale di Nuoro e al suo Direttore, Franca Floris, da DOn AntOnio Sanna. ElaboraziOne del tradiziOnale Rosario cantato ad OrGosolo Musica: AntOnio Sanna (1932 - 2016) EsecuziOne: Complesso Vocale di Nuoro Registrazi...  Onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='nOne';">moreOne;">Scritto e dedicato al Complesso Vocale di Nuoro e al suo Direttore, Franca Floris, da DOn AntOnio Sanna. ElaboraziOne del tradiziOnale Rosario cantato ad OrGosolo Musica: AntOnio Sanna (1932 - 2016) EsecuziOne: Complesso Vocale di Nuoro RegistraziOne effettuata durante cOncerto in occasiOne della VI ediziOne di "Musica, Maestro!" - Porto Torres 27/05/2017