Our last song is an original carol written by the incomparable composer and arranger, Chris Hoban. Chris has written many of Show Of Hands’ big hits including, ‘Lily and the rose’ which he wrote for Miranda Sykes and The Lost Sound. We’ve performed this t... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Our last song is an original carol written by the incomparable composer and arranger, Chris Hoban. Chris has written many of Show Of Hands’ big hits including, ‘Lily and the rose’ which he wrote for Miranda Sykes and The Lost Sound. We’ve performed this together with Show Of Hands, at their 25thAnniversary concert in The Royal Albert Hall in 2017. Chris explains the background of ‘Though We Lie Underground’ for us: I first came across the stories surrounding the curious tradition of West Country miners singing carols underground when listening to a recording of Alan Lomax’s extraordinary live BBC 1957 broadcast “Sing Christmas and the Turn of the Year”, a feat of radio genius involving hundreds of performers and groups all over the country, seamlessly brought together for one scintillating hour. At one point, Lomax described how the miners of Devon and Cornwall would celebrate Christmas underground in an almost pagan fashion: they would select the largest lump of tin ore they could handle, set it up in... is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
In stiller Nacht (aus Wales, Arr. S. Fieser) Frauenensemble „vocal orange“, Salzburg Dirigent: Arūnas Pečiulis Recording: Tonstudio Martin, Bad Reichenhall die CD „Weihnacht in Orange“ ist erhältlich unter www.vocal-orange.at The CD „Christmas ... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">In stiller Nacht (aus Wales, Arr. S. Fieser) Frauenensemble „vocal orange“, Salzburg Dirigent: Arūnas Pečiulis Recording: Tonstudio Martin, Bad Reichenhall die CD „Weihnacht in Orange“ ist erhältlich unter www.vocal-orange.at The CD „Christmas in Orange“ is now available!
Barlow Bradford's Utah Chamber Artists sing his arrangement of "Star Candles" (music by Michael Head, words by Margaret rose) The sun's in his cradle, The bird's in her nest, The Shepherds are calling The lambs home to rest. Go, sleep little Je... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Barlow Bradford's Utah Chamber Artists sing his arrangement of "Star Candles" (music by Michael Head, words by Margaret rose) The sun's in his cradle, The bird's in her nest, The Shepherds are calling The lambs home to rest. Go, sleep little Jesus! The wind's riding by To set all the candles Alight in the sky. A candle for Kingship, Sweet laughter it brings And mirth's golden music, The riches of Kings. Go sleep little Jesus! The wind's riding by To set all the candles Alight in the sky But oh! in the skytop Up There I can see A cross, it's shining, It's shining on thee, Go sleep, little Jesus! The wind's riding by To set all the candles Alight in the sky. "Star Candles" is available on the compact disc Joyous Day! distributed through Clarion Records. For purchase info, visit www.utahchamberartists.org is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
"Ave Musica" Choir (Odessa) performs "A Költő Sírfelirata" (Epitaph) by Decsenyi Janos @ XIX International Festival-Competition of Choral Art "South Palmyra" named aft. A.Zaitsev (Odessa, Ukraine) Vegyeskarra, Rainer Maria Rilke szovegere: "rose, oh r... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">"Ave Musica" Choir (Odessa) performs "A Költő Sírfelirata" (Epitaph) by Decsenyi Janos @ XIX International Festival-Competition of Choral Art "South Palmyra" named aft. A.Zaitsev (Odessa, Ukraine) Vegyeskarra, Rainer Maria Rilke szovegere: "rose, oh reiner Widerspruch, Lust, Niemandes Schlaf zu sein unter soviel Lidern". www.avemusica.com.ua facebook.com/AveMusicaChoirUkraine
Heute, am 25. Juni 2021, feiert der Mitbegründer der legendären Band Toto, David Paich, seinen 67. Geburtstag. Er komponierte 1982 den Welthit „Rosanna“ und bezog sich nach eigener Aussage bei diesem Lied auf alle Frauen, die er kannte. Der Song gewann 19... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Heute, am 25. Juni 2021, feiert der Mitbegründer der legendären Band Toto, David Paich, seinen 67. Geburtstag. Er komponierte 1982 den Welthit „Rosanna“ und bezog sich nach eigener Aussage bei diesem Lied auf alle Frauen, die er kannte. Der Song gewann 1983 einen Grammy Award als Single des Jahres. Wir präsentieren euch zusammen mit den Blechbläsern von Pro Brass Limburg nun unsere eigene spezielle Version von "Rosanna". Das Bläserarrangement stammt von Rob Baltus, unserem Tenor, während unser Chorleiter und Groove Master Andrea Figallo das Arrangement für den Chor beisteuerte. Sämtliche Illustrationen inkl. Animationen entstammen der (digitalen) Feder unserer Sopranistin Sarah Brunßen. In diesem Sinne: Happy Birthday, David! Written by David Paich Arranged by Andrea Figallo (http://www.andreafigallo.com) & Rob Baltus (http://www.robbaltus.com) Sound editing (choir) & mix: Andrea Figallo (http://www.andreafigallo.com) Concept, sound editing (brass) & video: Rob Baltus (http://www.robbaltus.com) Co... is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Alive and Singing perform "Sweet Child Of Mine", by Guns N' roses (Axl rose, Slash, Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagan, Steven Adler), arranged and conducted by Jamie Serafi, on Saturday 22nd June 2013 at Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage, as part of the Stevenage... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Alive and Singing perform "Sweet Child Of Mine", by Guns N' roses (Axl rose, Slash, Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagan, Steven Adler), arranged and conducted by Jamie Serafi, on Saturday 22nd June 2013 at Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage, as part of the Stevenage Festival. Find out more about joining Alive and Singing at http://www.aliveandsinging.com
http://igg.me/at/stpeterssingers St Peter's Singers of Leeds perform Thomas Tallis O Nata Lux during a concert at Thornhill Parish Church 14 March 2009. The choir are conducted by their director of music Dr Simon Lindley O nata lux de lumine, Jesu red... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">http://igg.me/at/stpeterssingers St Peter's Singers of Leeds perform Thomas Tallis O Nata Lux during a concert at Thornhill Parish Church 14 March 2009. The choir are conducted by their director of music Dr Simon Lindley O nata lux de lumine, Jesu redemptor saeculi, dignare clemens supplicum laudes precesque sumere. Qui carne quondam contegi dignatus es pro perditis, nos membra confer effici tui beati corporis More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of forthcoming concerts, recitals and services, can be found on on the choir's website http://www.stpeters-singers.org.uk like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StPetersSingersOfLeeds and follow us on twitter: @SPSLeeds https://twitter.com/SPSLeeds is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay sing Clausen's "Set me as a Seal" at their spring concert Red Red rose under the Direction of Dr. James Bass.
Ambrosian Chant In die Sancto Paschae Post Evangelium Dicant, qui redempti sunt a Domino, Alleluia: quos redemit de manu inimici, de regionibus congregavit eos, Alleluia. Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge Domine" Enrico Correggia, dir.
The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford Robert Pecksmith (organ) David Crown (conductor) Somerville College Chapel, Oxford 28 April 2013 Website: http://www.somervillechoir.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/somervillechoir Organist's Websit... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford Robert Pecksmith (organ) David Crown (conductor) Somerville College Chapel, Oxford 28 April 2013 Website: http://www.somervillechoir.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/somervillechoir Organist's Website: http://www.robert-smith.org.uk