A live performance of Steve Dobrogosz' Agnus Dei from his Jazz Mass. Performed by Barisons Chamber choir.
A part of the choir's performance at 42nd Croatian Choral Assembly held in October 2009 in Novigrad.
Παιδική Χορωδία Κέρκυρας, διεύθυνση: Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου, πιάνο:Έλλη Γλαρού. Χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλία Χορωδίας Κέρκυρας, Δημοτικό Θέατρο Κέρκυρας, 16/12/2013.
NAC Group Concert at Burton Town Hall May 2014
A composition (2013) for strings and mixed choir Live recording 8/6/2013 Trichiana (BL) ITALY Chiesa Parrochiale
The Academy Chamber Choir, Tullamore Perform O Nata Lux by Morten Lauridsen
Soloists: Sophia Martinese and Catherine Im Arr. by Olivia Sullivan
United States of Eurasia from Muse by the choir of the "Collège Mont-Roland" and its 250 singers and dancers. Solist : Séréna Choir Director : Sylvie Loberot Choir arrangement, piano : David Beaugrand Musicians : No Smoking Trio and Lucas Devaux
The Coro of Pequenos Cantores de Coimbra (Choir of Young Singers of Coimbra) has as a main activity the musical and cultural formation of younsters. The choir was founded in 1982 by José Firmino, actually is led by conductor and composer Paulo Bernardino ... more
A chamber choir composed of music lovers from all walks of life who enjoy singing together, the Novo Concertante Manila was originally formed as a recital choir in 1998. It has evolved into an ensemble determined to reinvent itself continuously as it deve... more