Performance of ORIANA Youth female Choir at 31 Festival Internacional de Musica de Cantonigros
Beginning of the serbian orthodox requiem written by Stevan Hristic, live performance in Sombreffe (Belgium) by the World Youth Choir during the wintersession O7/O8 and conducted by Theodora Pavlovitch from Bulgaria. more information in: http://www.wo... more
Mimořádný koncert sborů Cancioneta Praga (ČR) a Cape Town Youth Choir (Jihoafrická republika), 9.7.2014, Praha, Kostel sv. Šimona a Judy. Sbormistři - Leon Starker a Lukáš Jindřich,solo: Hlumelo Marepula Special concert in Prague. Cancioneta Praga (C... more
Por Enquanto Renato Russo (1960-1996) Fabio Braga - arranjo Jovem Canto Youth Choir Altamiro Bernardes X Festival Mundus Cantat Secular Music Auditions Silver Diplom Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the Sea Sopot - Poland May 2014
Mykola Shukh „Янгольська колискова" -- "Yangolska kolyskova" („Angel lullaby"), 1952, ukrainian song. ORIANA Youth female Choir at IFAS 2012 (Czech Republic). Conductor - Galina Shpak.
"King of heaven" - "Царю небесний" by Iryna Aleksiychuk. ORIANA Youth female Choir, Odessa, Ukraine