International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


56 results found
video: ONE BILLION RISING Manchester

ONE BILLION RISING - Manchester Z-Arts Centre Three Valleys Gospel Choir singing Something Inside So Strong

新井満 - 千の風になって 《化作千縷微風》
video: 新井満 - 千の風になって 《化作千縷微風》

指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:陳丹怡   "化作千縷微風"為日本作家兼歌手新井滿改編自911時追憶罹難者的英語詩歌"A Thousand Winds",由聲樂家秋川雅史演唱,並在2007年日本NHK跨年年度節目紅白大賽中一唱成名,成為日本流行音樂史上首度成為銷售冠軍的古典聲樂歌曲。歌詞訴說著逝者安慰生者的深情話語,溫柔的旋律,款款道出亡者心願,逝者已遠,幻滅的形體化作一縷縷微風,吹過原野,越過山岳,穿過林間,掀起水面波瀾,與大自然融為一體,思念之時請別哭泣,仔細感受,滋潤大地的空氣水與陽光,處處是我的關照與祝...  more

Choral Work - The Most Stunning Live Performance Ever - For Him All Stars Have Shone
video: Choral Work - The Most Stunning Live Performance Ever - For Him All Stars Have Shone

Salvacosta sing this Chilcott/Jennings masterpiece with such conviction and passion - you can feel that they believe every word! He is so small the stars bow down the fierce Winds ease their breath, And careful shepherds look upon the one unsullied bi...  more

Choral Chameleon - Stars by Jeffrey Parola
video: Choral Chameleon - Stars by Jeffrey Parola

Text: Stars - Robert Frost (1874–1963). How countlessly they congregate O'er our tumultuous snow, Which flows in shapes as tall as trees When wintry Winds do blow!-- As if with keenness for our fate, Our faltering few steps on To white rest, a...  more

Sergey Khvoshchinsky - Signs of Rain Or...
video: Sergey Khvoshchinsky - Signs of Rain Or...

"Signs of Rain Or Forty Reasons For Not Accepting An Invitation of a Friend To Make an Excursion With Him" lyrics by Dr. Edward Jenner (18th Century). Directed by Ken Jenson. Lyrics: The hollow Winds begin to blow, The clouds look black, the glass is...  more

blog: Recording during singing workshops and choir rehearsals – why, what and when?

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I always teach songs by ear. Despite my Strong belief in the oral/ aural tradition, there is an increasing number of handheld recording devices appearing i...

BYU Men's Chorus Hosts the University of Wyoming Singing Statesman
video: BYU Men's Chorus Hosts the University of Wyoming Singing Statesman

Two men's choirs joined together to make 240 Strong.

blog: 6 ways to stop the strain of other singers relying on you (or you relying on them)

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] The rehearsal begins and the Altos looks around in panic: “Where’s Carol?” Carol is a Strong, confident singer, but she’s not here thi...

Beckenham Chorale
group: Beckenham Chorale

We are an 80-Strong SATB choir in our 55th season and, while we sing a varied repertoire, we are best known for our spirited performances of the great and exciting choral works. In recent years, works which we have performed include Bach ‘Magnificat’, ...  more

blog: New recording, new titles and a new composer to boot - the ACL still going Strong after 10 years!

We are celebrating 10 years of our unique series for the smaller choir, the Accessible Choral Library Series and are excited to welcome our second female composer to the series (the first being Rosa Conrad with her ever-popular Sea Shanties), Olivia Spark...