International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


344 results found
O Holy Night - Adolphe Adam
video: O Holy Night - Adolphe Adam

Adanya Dunn ~ soprano Kate Carver ~ piano Cantores Celestes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith ~ Director LIVE Dec 2, 2017

Holy holy holy for solo cantor, unison choir and organ
video: Holy Holy Holy for solo cantor, unison choir and organ

On Christmas Eve morning 2017, I was approached by a member of our congregation who said he had been inspired by the Holy Ghost to write some words and that he would like me to set them to music. To begin with I wasn't sure, since they seemed somewhat re...  more

Kenyan Boys Choir - Oh Holy Night
video: Kenyan Boys Choir - Oh Holy Night

A Christmas Carol Composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847. We wish to share this excerpt of our rendition of this famous Christmas Carol as a token of saying 'Happy Festivities'. Soloist: Mark Luther Guitarist: Erick Chira #SetTheMusicFree #MerryChristmas

video: SILENT Night - Dan Forrest - CORO "SANTA MARÍA"

El Coro "Santa María" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) interpreta SILENT Night de Dan Forrest acompañados al piano por Óscar Vicente, bajo la dirección de Sergio Asián en diciembre de 2022. SILENT Night Silent Night, Holy Night! All is calm, all is brigh...  more

STILLE NACHT (Silent Night subtitles)
video: STILLE NACHT (Silent Night subtitles)

Der MONTEVERDICHOR WÜRZBURG wünscht allen seinen Fans und Freunden ein frohes und friedvolles Weihnachtsfest! Merry Christmas to our fans all over the world! May peace be with you wherever you are! Silent Night, Holy Night! [english lyrics as subtitles]

O Holy Night - Cantare dal Cuore
video: O Holy Night - Cantare dal Cuore

Cipt: Adolphe Adam Arr. : Onggo Lukito Lagu ini dibawakan oleh Paduan Suara OMK Redemptor Mundi Surabaya - Cantare dal Cuore dalam Perayaan Misa Malam Natal 2019 di Gereja Katolik Redemptor Mundi Surabaya. Dukung kami dengan cara LIKE dan SUBSCRIBE...  more

"Thrice Holy Hymn" Trisagion - Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός του Θεμιστοκλή Πολυκράτη (Thrice Holy Hymn-Trisagion by
video: "Thrice Holy Hymn" Trisagion - Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός του Θεμιστοκλή Πολυκράτη (Thrice Holy Hymn-Trisagion by

(5/4/2015) Saint Alexander's male voice, polyphonic choir is performing the composition "Thrice Holy Hymn" . Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us Η ανδρική πολυφωνική Χορωδία Αγίου Αλεξάνδρου εκτελεί τη σύνθεση "Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός" . Ἅγι...  more

"River" - Holy Heart High School Chamber Choir #CBCMusicClass
video: "River" - Holy Heart High School Chamber Choir #CBCMusicClass

Holy Heart Chamber Choir Biography Holy Heart Chamber Choir is one of 6 performing choral ensembles at Holy Heart High School in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. This auditioned SATB choir has a long history of performing high quality choral mu...  more

Song of the Night (Nilo Alcala) premiered by "The Esoterics" (dir: Eric Banks)
video: Song of the Night (Nilo Alcala) premiered by "The Esoterics" (dir: Eric Banks)

Winner, 2009 POLYPHONOS Young Composer Award Music, Nilo Alcala Text: Mevlana Jala ad-Din Rumi English Translation: Anna and Adam Czerniawscy Premiered: Oct. 17, 2009 St. Joseph's Catholic Church 732 18th Avenue E, Seattle Oct. 18, 2009 Holy ...  more

Άγιος, Άγιος, Άγιος Κύριος Σαβαώθ (Holy, holy, holy Lord of Sabaoth)
video: Άγιος, Άγιος, Άγιος Κύριος Σαβαώθ (Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Sabaoth)

Η ανδρική πολυφωνική Χορωδία Αγίου Αλεξάνδρου εκτελεί τη σύνθεση Αλεξάνδρου Καντακουζηνού " Επινίκιος ύμνος ". Περισσότερες εκτελέσεις παρακάτω : -Κυριακή Προσευχή (Lord's Prayer) - Παναγιώτης Γλυκοφρύδης - ΚΑΣΣΙΑΝΗ (Tr...  more