"Hosanna to the son of David" - Orlando Gibbons performed by: Lumen Vocale Soloist Ensemble artisitc director: Marianna Majchrzak sopranos: Anna Alexandrowicz, Joanna Klonowska, Julita Mańczak altos: Paulina Bierwagen, Marianna Majchrzak, Jędrzej Su... more
Actuación dentro de nuestro concierto "En cuerpo y alma" en el II Ciclo de Conciertos Clásicos de Arrecife de Lanzarote, organizado por la Orquesta Clásica de Lanzarote. Abril 2017. "son de la loma", miguel Matamoros, arr. Electo Silva. Director : JulIo Chinea
Performance of ORIANQA youth female choir at Festival "Pentikostia" (Kiev) 09.06.2014
Morten Lauridsen - Quando son più lontan (No.2 from Madrigali: Six “Fire songs” on Italian Renaissance Poems) Swara Vocal Ensemble Ivan Yohan, conductor Camille Hubert, soprano Chia Fen Wu, soprano Wei-Lian Huang, soprano Lydia Pernal-Stoddart, ... more us().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Concerto CINQUENOVECENTO, in occasIone della 718' Perdonanza Celestiniana. L'Aquila, 24 agosto 2012, chiesa di San Giuseppe Artigiano
Título: "Porque son, niña, tus ojos verdes..." Música: SergIo Rodríguez Rima: Gustavo A. Bécquer Intérpretes: 'Ad infinitum', dirección: SergIo Rodríguez Fotografía de SergIo Rodríguez Fecha de grabación: 19 de septiembre de 2015 Sala de ExposicIone... more us().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
NNSU Choir - Alfred Schnittke - Three Sacred Hymns: 2. Lord Jesus, son of God [Live @ the Uspensky Cathedral (Yaroslavl, Russia)]
Le mot de notre présidente Vous découvrirez, au fil des pages, notre Chœur, son histoire et son fonctIonnement. Peut-être aurez-vous envie de prolonger cette rencontre et de partager avec nous cette passIon de la musique que nous vivons depuis 1971. ... more us().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Na juriš in the mood! From marching songs to swing Na juriš in the mood! with music from the time of the fight against fascism. From music of pre-war Paris, Jewish, French and Italian partisan songs, American swing to Slovenian partisan songs. Fr... more us().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
This lovely 'Choral' comes from Vaughan Williams' cantata 'Hodie' (This Day), composed in 1953 or 1954, and which was his last large-scale choral-orchestral work. It was recorded on 5th December 2010 in the Harvey Nichols Espresso Bar in Leeds' magnifi... more us().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less