International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


205 results found
blog: The Secret of LIFE: Uniting the world to convey a message.

The virtual choir of "The secret of LIFE" IS an Argentine project that will involve 123 singers from 19 countries to celebrate the love towards LIFE through singing. In thIS way we hope to spread the message of living with determination being authent...

Cantores Celestes: Circle of Days - NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE
video: Cantores Celestes: CIRCLE of Days - NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE

April 20, 2013 Cantores Celestes directed by Kelly Galbraith with The Emperor String Quartet and Ellen Meyer, piano SoloISt: Hollie Hughes Video and Audio: Patric McGroarty additional editing: JA Stewart

Will the circle be unbroken - Coro Giovanile "With Us" (dir. Camilla Di Lorenzo
video: Will the CIRCLE be unbroken - Coro Giovanile "With Us" (dir. Camilla Di Lorenzo

Precious Ewoo Chorale, Accra
group: Precious Ewoo Chorale, Accra

Precious Ewoo Chorale (PEC) Groups are community-based groups with the mISsion to sing the Gospel, provide a high standard of musical performance to nurture, and inspire young people from the Seventh Day AdventISt (SDA) churches and ChrIStian denomination...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Precious Ewoo Chorale (PEC) Groups are community-based groups with the mISsion to sing the Gospel, provide a high standard of musical performance to nurture, and inspire young people from the Seventh Day AdventISt (SDA) churches and ChrIStian denominations through music appreciation.  

Will The Circle Be Unbroken - Traditional Arr by J. David Moore
video: Will The CIRCLE Be Unbroken - Traditional Arr by J. David Moore

Cantores Celestes Women's Choir and Alumnae LIVE in CONCERT May 4, 2019 Celebrating 30 years Kelly Galbraith, director Jennifer Harewood-Kokoue, soloISt Ryan Harper, recording engineer Producer, Kelly Galbraith

The Secret of Life ✧ Santiago Veros ✧ ECU Choir
video: The Secret of LIFE ✧ Santiago Veros ✧ ECU Choir

"The Secret of LIFE" by Santiago Veros Lyrics by Matthew Silver East Central University Chorale perform the world premiere of "The Secret of LIFE" by Santiago Veros live in concert on November 19, 2018 under the direction of Dr. Steven Walker. Musi...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">"The Secret of LIFE" by Santiago Veros Lyrics by Matthew Silver East Central University Chorale perform the world premiere of "The Secret of LIFE" by Santiago Veros live in concert on November 19, 2018 under the direction of Dr. Steven Walker. Music Copyright ©2019 Santiago Veros Recording Copyright ©2019 Santiago Veros Purchase scores here: *for interest in commISsioning, please contact the composer at  

Rhythm of life
video: Rhythm of LIFE

The Rhythm of LIFE from the musical Sweet Charity . (Lyrics changed back to original show lyrics)

The Secret of Life (SANTIAGO VEROS) Open Rehearsal in Central Buks High School
video: The Secret of LIFE (SANTIAGO VEROS) Open Rehearsal in Central Buks High School

I received via WhatsApp a video fan, a beautiful memory of LIFE ... an open rehearsal / concert conducting The Secret of LIFE (March 9, 2020) ... wow! One of the best WhatsApp messages I received!! "The Secret of LIFE" by Santiago Veros Lyrics by Ma...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">I received via WhatsApp a video fan, a beautiful memory of LIFE ... an open rehearsal / concert conducting The Secret of LIFE (March 9, 2020) ... wow! One of the best WhatsApp messages I received!! "The Secret of LIFE" by Santiago Veros Lyrics by Matthew Silver Lyrics: Enjoy, enjoy a little more. Live in the moment. Don't get old. Don't judge people. Because you can't be free if you judge people. To live and to live in a mystery and to find purpose and to live in the now. the magic IS now! Enjoy, enjoy a little more Live in the moment. you can't get away from your heart. because LIFE IS a paradox, It IS a mirror of confusion So love now! I Love all of you.  IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

blog: Casanova & Beautiful Music: HIS LIFE of magic potions, great prISon escapes, and of course - women!

“Worthy or not, my LIFE IS my subject, and my subject IS my LIFE.” Giacomo Casanova Originally publIShed: The sex lives of Errol Flynn or George Clooney are nothing compa...

Life's Mystery by Jonny Priano (Johansen Viking Singers, 5-17-2013)
video: LIFE's Mystery by Jonny Priano (Johansen Viking Singers, 5-17-2013)

ThIS IS a beautiful interpretation of "LIFE's Mystery" by the Johansen Viking Singers in Modesto, CA. The simplicity of the text and melody contrast the deep and inexplicable understanding of LIFE's mystery: Love. Thank you to conductor Jennifer Perier-...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">ThIS IS a beautiful interpretation of "LIFE's Mystery" by the Johansen Viking Singers in Modesto, CA. The simplicity of the text and melody contrast the deep and inexplicable understanding of LIFE's mystery: Love. Thank you to conductor Jennifer Perier-Champeaux for treating the piece with such care and creating some amazing musical moments!