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George Malcolm: Ingrediente Domino - sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
George John Malcolm
Ingrediente Domino [Introit of Palm Sunday]
Ingrediente Domino in Sanctam civitatem, Hebraeorum Pueri resurrectionem vitam pronunciantes,
Cum palmis palmarum. Osanna clamabunt in excelsis.
Cumque audisset populus q... moreGeorge John Malcolm
Ingrediente Domino [Introit of Palm Sunday]
Ingrediente Domino in Sanctam civitatem, Hebraeorum Pueri resurrectionem vitam pronunciantes,
Cum palmis palmarum. Osanna clamabunt in excelsis.
Cumque audisset populus quod Jesus venient Hierusalem, exierunt obviam ei.
Cum palmis palmarum. Osanna clamabunt in excelsis.
Harpsichordist, organist and visionary choirmaster George Malcolm was one of the leading figures in British music after the Second World War. In his early life he had been Organ Scholar of Balliol College and Choirmaster of St Mary’s, Clapham. His work at Westminster Cathedral as Master of Music for twelve years from 1947 was the stuff of legend. He carried on the great traditions he had learnt in his youth from the Jesuit Father Driscoll and Fernand Laloux, Choirmaster of Farm Street Jesuit Church in Mayfair and developed a wholly different approach to the singing of children that proved vastly influential both in his own lifetime and in the twenty years sin... less