International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


323 results found
Itxaso ta eguzkia (Iker Gonzalez) San Pedro Abesbatza
video: Itxaso ta eguzkia (Iker Gonzalez) San Pedro Abesbatza

Obra escrita sobre una poesía de Balendiñe Albizu dentro del "Programa de Ayudas a la Creación Coral" de Gipuzkoako Abesbatzen Federazioa. La grabación pertenece al CD Suite grabado en 2013 por San Pedro Abesbatza y Zumaiako Udal Musika Banda. Balediñe...  more

Que el amanecer (Antxon Gonzalez Gabarain - Iker Gonzalez) San Pedro Abesbatza
video: Que el amanecer (Antxon Gonzalez Gabarain - Iker Gonzalez) San Pedro Abesbatza

Zuzeneko Grabaketa / Grabación en directo / Live Recording 2016/06/11 Interpretación por parte de: San Pedro Abesbatza (Zumaia) Directora/Zuzendaria: Amaia Aldalur Goikoetxea Piano: Mari CArmen Azpeitia Iparragirre Imágenes / Irudiak / Picture...  more

group: FrisChorale

The FrisChorale is derived from the word Frisco and Chorale. The group is formerly known as Chorus Leviticus, from the word "Frisco" it means San Francisco Del Monte, it is a small town founded by our patron San Pedro Bautista du...  more

video: Trinklied

Koro de San Jose @ coro cantabile et al 2012 with introduction

Were You There by Koro de San Jose
video: Were You There by Koro de San Jose

8th Colors of Worship A Sacred Music Festival @ Church of the Risen Lord UP Diliman

Agnus Dei- Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.
video: Agnus Dei- Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.

Concierto en honor a San Juan Bautista Santa Catedral San Juan Bautista, Viejo San Juan Pieza: Agnus Dei, George Bizet Melvin Rodríguez, Barítono Angel Persia, Pianista

video: CANTA COMPAÑA, Media Vita

In the Way to Santiago, in the village of Betanzos, is located the church of San Francisco. The main nave of the temple is presided over by the tomb of the ancient Lord of these lands, Fernán Pérez de Andrade. The Gothic vaults of San Francisco have been ...  more

The Prayer (San Nicolas 2nd Chorale)
video: The Prayer (San Nicolas 2nd Chorale)

Wedding service at St. James Parish Betis Guagua, Pampanga

Koro de San Jose - Beati Mortui
video: Koro de San Jose - Beati Mortui

Coro Et Al Festival 2017

group: Roots Chorale

Roots Chorale started out as an initiative to keep the choral practice alive outside of the church circles and to promote these practices in the community of San Andres Islands Archipelago.