Der MONTEVERDICHOR WÜRZBURG wünscht allen seinen Fans und Freunden ein frohes und friedvolles Weihnachtsfest! Merry Christmas to our fans all over the world! May peace be with you wherever you are! Silent night, holy night! [english lyrics as subtitles]
Sveta noč/stille Nacht (Franz Gruber, arr. Robert Sund) Melanija Markovič, sopran posneto v cerkvi sv. Cirila in Metoda na Škofljici
"Pie Jesu" autorstwa A.L. Webbera, z solo Pawła Kloski i Sławka Siecińskiego. Dyrygowała Agata Szwoch. Nagranie zrealizowane zostało podczas koncertu dyplomowego Agaty Szwoch, który miał miejsce w Katedrze św. Marcina i Mikołaja w Bydgoszczy, dnia 31 m... more
Tonaufnahmen für eine Weihnachts-CD des Ensemble Nobiles bei GENUIN classics, in der Versöhnungskirche Leipzig-Gohlis. Recording session for the upcoming Christmas-CD. Recorded and mastered by GENUIN classics. Release date: December 2013
Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform "O Jesu Christe" by Jacquet de Berchem (also known as Giachet(to) Berchem or Jakob van Berchem; (c. 1505 -- 1567), a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance. Buy our CDs!!! This version of "O Jesu Christe... more
Jesu du bist mein Bach Adak group 2012
O Bone Jesu Marco Antonio Ingegnieri Coro de Filosofía Y Letras UBA Director: Carlos Andrés Aciar Iglesia Dinamarquesa Buenos Aires 2004
Guida all'ascolto e testi dell'opera al seguente link ENSEMBLE VOCALE FLORILEGIUM VOCIS Elsa Gianfreda*, Anna Giordano*, Giusi Bottalico, Maria Silecc... more
Brothers, Oliver and Jake sing impromptu after a recording session for another project and we captured this beautiful up close and personal version of Pie Jesu at St Peter's Church, Bournemouth, England. Music - Andrew Lloyd Webber Piano - Darren Bart... more
The Choir of King's College, Cambridge sing John Rutter's "Dormi Jesu". This was its first performance - 1998. Love the unexpected ending.