International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


668 results found
Spinnaker Chorus of Portsmouth. 2015 Competition set (region 31 Uk)  #spinnakerchorus
video: Spinnaker Chorus of Portsmouth. 2015 Competition set (region 31 Uk) #spinnakerChorus

Sweet Adelines Womens Barbershop Chorus from Portsmouth UK : The Spinnaker Chorus! Singing for the 5th place medal in Nottingham, With a fun nod to Beyonce! Thanks for all your support and well wishes xxxxxx

Southwest Children's Chorus
group: Southwest Children's Chorus

The Southwest Children’s Chorus is a non-profit organization with auditioned singers in multiple choirs, each representing different levels of vocal ability. Members of the Southwest Children’s Chorus range in age from 7 to 14. The Chorus is a musical p...  more

Phoenix Chorus - 5th place, Region 31, May 2013
video: Phoenix Chorus - 5th place, Region 31, May 2013

Once Upon a Time / Swanee - Phoenix Chorus (

Motor City Blend Chorus
group: Motor City Blend Chorus

We are a Chorus of around 100 active members formed in January of 2017 from two former, Regional championship, Sweet Adeline Choruses known as Great Lakes Chorus and Spirit of Detroit. We won our first Regional competition and are preparing to compete at...  more

Spinnaker Chorus Rehearsing with the notorious Nicky Salt      spinnakerchorus
video: Spinnaker Chorus Rehearsing with the notorious Nicky Salt spinnakerChorus

Somebody either said something very very stupid, or very very RUDE!! Spinnaker Chorus

RSNO Junior Chorus
group: RSNO Junior Chorus

The RSNO Junior Chorus was formed in 1978 by Jean Kidd who turned it into one of the finest children's choirs in the country. Since 1994 it has been directed by popular Chorus Director, Christopher Bell, and has expanded its membership to almost 300, with...  more

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
video: Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See! - On Nov.13 2010 unsuspecting shoppers got a big surprise while enjoying their lunch. This video features the voices of Chorus Niagara, Niagara's premiere 100-voice symphonic ensemble. This video has been viewed over 47...  more

Central City Chorus
group: Central City Chorus

Founded in 1981, Central City Chorus is an auditioned mixed Chorus of 50+ highly accomplished and dedicated volunteer singers. Currently in residence at the Church of St. Ignatius of Antioch on Manhattan's Upper West Side, the Chorus performs an eclectic ...  more

Spinnaker Chorus
video: Spinnaker Chorus

Womens Barbershop Chorus singing on Saturday 16th October 2010 at The New Theatre Royal Portsmouth

Spinnaker Chorus Rehearsing in Portsmouth, UK        spinnakerchorus
video: Spinnaker Chorus Rehearsing in Portsmouth, UK spinnakerChorus

Local womens Chorus practising their songs with coaching from the Amazing Doug Harrington. Sorry we cant play you the actual singing as we are keeping our song under wraps until we perform in competition 2015! Use your imagination till then!!