[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] A while back I went to a singing workshop led by an internationally acclaimed workshop leader. I was very disappointed at the lack of teaching skills...
More than 150 Choirs, over 5'000 Choir actors, 14 stages, more than 30'000 people - that's the state Choir festival "Rhineland-Palatinate sings", at 2019, 31st of August in Mainz. Come to visit and discover for yourself the great variety of R... more
Chariots, by John Kirkpatrick, Gresley Male Voice Choir, December 2013
Live by Bel Canto Choir Vilnius. Buy our music on: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=716951968 Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B00F4ZGJNI?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Bel%20Canto%20Choir%20Vilnius&index=d... more
Joint performance with "Annibale Mariotti" High School Mixed Choir. Recorded on April 12th, 2015, in the Church of Santa Juliana in Perugia, Italy. www.facebook.com/m.marulic.Choir m.marulic_Choir@yahoo.com recording and production: Bernard Kahl... more
Bohuslav Martinu: Primrose (Good Timber & Noonday) - live recording November 25, 2011 - Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, ON, Canada The Czech Boys Choir, Jakub Martinec - artistic director Josef Sedlacek - violin Martin Fisl - pianist
A setting of the famous text for double Choir SATB/SATB. It was written for the composition competition of the Swiss Federation Europa Cantat where it won 2nd prize. It is performed by Swiss Choir molto cantabile under the direction of andreas Felber. It... more
Performance of youth female Choir Oriana on II KRAKOW Advent & Christmas Choir Festival, December 2011. http://www.christmasfestival.pl/ Ganna Gavrylets "Bozhe miy nascho ty mene pokynuv", conductor Galina Shpak.
Singing in a Choir is an enjoyable musical and social activity. Few things compare to the feeling of blending your voice with your fellow choristers. It gives you a high during and after the rehearsals. It’s even better when you’re sin...