This is a post with tips for beginning composers. Before being a full-time choral composer, I'm a fan of choral music. I want to constantly discover new things. So, I'm going to write down what I wish I had known when I started in this profe...
dear Choral Friends, August 28 is Anthony Silvestri's birthday, the talented poet behind masterpieces like Whitacre's "Sleep", Gjeilo's "Tundra." His collaborations with the world's greatest composers have shaped the choral legacy of th...
CONTIGO - Grupo Coral/Coro Infanto Juvenil de Torredeita/Viseu Concerto de Natal 2014 Torredeita/Viseu
"UN MUNDO IdeAL" (de ALADDIN). Autor: Alan Menken CORO ENCANTO de Casarrubuelos Director: Mariano García Sánchez II Encuentro Agrupacoros Madrid Teatro del Bosque. Móstoles
dear Choir Directors, Congratulations on successfully completing another semester filled with beautiful choral performances and uplifting musical experiences. As we wrap up this chapter, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments ach...
La Asociación Musical CORO "SANTA MARÍA" junto a los alumnos inscriptos al Taller Coral con Philip Lawson, interpretan DANNY BOY (Arr. Philip Lawson) durante el Concierto de Clausura del propio Taller Coral. Domingo 6 de mayo de 2018, en el Convento Domi... more
"Nothing Else Matters" - Hetfield/Ulrich, arr. Scala & Kolacny Coro Encanto Director: Mariano García Piano: Marcelino López Interpretada en el concierto "Suena a verano", celebrado en la Iglesia Parroquial de San Pedro Apóstol de Sieteiglesias (Madr... more
"Cerf Volant" (Les choristes), Bruno Coulais Coro Encanto, de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano García Solista: Mireya Muñoz Pianista: Marcelino López Interpretado en la ceremonia de clausura del Congreso Europeo de Psiquiatría Infantil E... more