Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa Concattedrale del SS. Salvatore, Messina, 26/12/2011
Coro RS of the University of Santo Tomas with their choice piece for Himig Tomasino 2009 Inter-collegiate Chorale Songfest Piece: Purihin Si Yahweh Conductor: Ken Lizardo
Coro Note Blu is a non-profit association. It was established in Rome (Italy) with the aim of promoting and encouraging musical activities and the practice of choral singing. The choir has taken part or organized more than 800 concerts, shows and music... more
XIV Rassegna polifonica "Chori Chantantes" - Militello in Val di Catania - 15/09/2011
I NEVER SAW Davide Riva’s beautiful acapella setting for four-part mixed voices is set to the beloved poem by Emily Dickinson. The composition is divided into two repeated sections. In the first section, the choral texture is homo-rhythmic and in the se... more
Coro COMPACTO -EL GUAYATUNO (Efrain Medina Mora)
Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa Concattedrale del SS. Salvatore, Messina, 26/12/2011
La Asociación Musical Coro "SANTA MARÍA" interpreta CANCIÓN DE CUNA DE LA VIRGEN MARÍA (Juan Alfonso García) bajo la dirección de SERGIO ASIÁN, durante el XVII Concierto de Navidad celebrado el 17 de diciembre de 2016, en la Parroquia de San José (Coria d... more
Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa di S. Antonio, Messina, 03/01/2012
Concert in honor of St. Josemaria Escriva.