Are you passionate about singing? Then The People's Show Choir Black Isle is for you. A community-friendly Choir where no previous music experience is needed to be a part of. All you need to do is come with a smile and a passion for singing. No audition... more
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Apparently singing is the UK’s second most popular activity after sport. Photo by Shaunette Babb According to The Gua...
A performance of "Psalm 150" (Willcocks) by the Spivey Hall Children's Choir (Martha Shaw, conductor) during the 2014 ACDA Southern Division Conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
Whitehaven Male Voice Choir performing The Rose.
This post was originally posted to the Embro Thistle Singers blog. There is a really fun explanation of the 4 basic Choir sections as seen by a young person. I don't know where the original document came from or I would give proper credi...
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Two weeks ago I wrote about how individuals choose where to stand within their part (Don't stand too close to me! - finding the right place to stand in yo...
Setting by David W Solomons for three part Choir and piano of a poem by Audrey Vaughan Versions are available for men's voices (AAT) and women's voices (SMezA)
Chiltern Music Academy was set up in September 2014, with wind bands, orchestras and Choirs. The choral programme starts with a general education for ages 5-7, before they are ready for Junior Choir (7-10), Intermediate Choir (10-13), Stage Choir or Youth... more
Radio Choir and orchestra of Ukraine NRCU Orchestra Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda. L van Beethoven, Symphony No 9 Part 4 Conductor Vladimir Sheiko NRCU Orchestra NRCU Choir L van Beethoven, Symphony No 9 ... more
Last Sunday, my Choir sang in the Choir Of The Year selection stage in Newcastle. We’d rehearsed for about a month, and had decided to perform Whitacre’s Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine. COTY rules say you have 8 minutes to perform - any...