Live-Mitschnitt des 90-Jahr Jubiläumskonzert in der Turnhalle Alberschwende am 5. Mai 2012
Flashmob in a Shopping Mall in the city of Koblenz, at 18th of May 2013.
Again a practice session for 2008 Christmas Program.. 100 voice choir... I was singing tenor :-)
C6 performing in the Chicagoland Voices 2015 Winter Concert by The Band Perry, arr. Ben Bram Solos Alexa Mount, Kris Hester
Благовещенский собор Казанского Кремля. 17.10.16. Жар-Сокол хор на VI Всероссийском хоровом фестивале им. С.В. Смоленского.
Siamo un gruppo vocale di Roma nato nel 2012, il nostro repertorio è costituito principalmente da cover di colonne sonore di film, cartoni, serie tv e videogames :D