International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


7,643 results found
The Merbecke Choir
group: The Merbecke Choir

The Merbecke Choir is Southwark Cathedral's voluntary Choir for young men and women with good sight-reading skills and a creative approach to singing. It offers a unique opportunity for singers to take part in cathedral services (notably the Cathedral'...  more

group: VocaBelles

blog: Singing the same note - differently!

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Men and women’s voices are different.     Obvious really, but it’s something many singers find it difficult to come to terms wit...

blog: Tackling complex song structure without written Music

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   The Choirs and workshops that I lead are run on the principle that Music should be accessible to all. This means that I don’t use written Music to te...

Les Sirènes Female Chamber Choir
group: Les Sirènes Female Chamber Choir

Les Sirènes is a Glasgow-based female chamber Choir consisting of 26 vocalists, all students and graduates of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (formerly RSAMD). In October 2012, the Choir was awarded the prestigious title of Choir of the Year 2012, a...  more

Mabe Ladies Choir
group: Mabe Ladies Choir

Mabe Ladies Choir has been a feature in the Cornish Musical landscape since 1931 and has long been one of Cornwall’s premier choral groups. Hailing from places as far afield as Truro and Coverack and ranging in age from thirty-something to eighty-somethin...  more

group: Co-cheòl

The Dream Choir
group: The Dream Choir

We are a community Choir taught mostly by ear. We do provide Music for those who want it, but you are not required to audition or read Music. All are welcome. We do a fun variety of world Music, pop classics, and whatever else we feel like. We do one perf...  more

Achenu - Or Y-a Choir אחינו-מקהלת אור י-ה
video: Achenu - Or Y-a Choir אחינו-מקהלת אור י-ה

The Or Y-a women's Choir performs "Achenu" by Abie Rotenberg (arr: Nomi Teplow) in Petach Tikva. Cond.: Nomi Teplow מקהלת אור י-ה בניצוחה של נעמי טפלו מבצעת את "אחינו" מאת אבי רוטנברג (עיבוד: נעמי טפלו) בפתח תקוה