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Promofilm @hoc Singers Goes
Promofilmpje van de @hoc Singers uit Goes. Een jong fris en enthousiast koor met een puur geluid! Ze zingen allerlei verschillende soorten muziek, van geestelijk tot werelds. Bezoek onze facebook pagina op:
en blijf... morePromofilmpje van de @hoc Singers uit Goes. Een jong fris en enthousiast koor met een puur geluid! Ze zingen allerlei verschillende soorten muziek, van geestelijk tot werelds. Bezoek onze facebook pagina op:
en blijf op de hoogte van onze laatste nieuwtjes, concerten en optredens!
Op de achtergrond is "The Nightingale" van Thomas Weelkes te horen, dat de @hoc Singers tijdens hun concert te Ellewoutsdijk hebben gezongen.
University of Utah Chamber Choir
Reformed in 2012 in honor of former faculty and accomplished choral arranger Bernell Hales, the 24-28 member U Chamber Choir maintains the high choral standards he set in his twenty years at the U. The choir covers a wide range of repertoire and sty... more
Reformed in 2012 in honor of former faculty and accomplished choral arranger Bernell Hales, the 24-28 member U Chamber Choir maintains the high choral standards he set in his twenty years at the U. The choir covers a wide range of repertoire and styles, especially focusing on those that push choral music into new, exciting arenas.
The U Chamber Choir performs numerous works by conductor Barlow Bradford, an active composer and arranger, as well as private commissions by other renowned composers. The Chamber Choir often collaborates with other ensembles, both from the School of Music and off campus, including Dr. Bradford’s professional choir, the Utah Chamber Artists.
Students in the U Chamber Choir participate in the highest quality choral experience, advancing their vocal technique, knowledge of choral repertoire and musicianship. The choirs under Dr. Bradford’s direction are known for their beauty of tone, musical nuance, and clear, ringing sound
The Sunday Night Singers Perform "Autumn"
This is a performance of Joshua Shank's "Autumn" by The Sunday Night Singers with the Palmdale High School Choral Union at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in 2008. Enjoy.
Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred - National Taiwan University Chorus
指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:陳丹怡
performed by National Taiwan University Chorus
conducted by Fang-Pei Tracy Lien
from "The Merchant of Venice" by Shakespeare
"Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred"選自《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)第三幕之第二景。《威尼斯商人》為莎士比亞戲劇中涉及音樂較多的一齣,女主角波西亞(Por... more指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:陳丹怡
performed by National Taiwan University Chorus
conducted by Fang-Pei Tracy Lien
from "The Merchant of Venice" by Shakespeare
"Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred"選自《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)第三幕之第二景。《威尼斯商人》為莎士比亞戲劇中涉及音樂較多的一齣,女主角波西亞(Portia)繼承了父親龐大的遺產,追求者絡繹不絕;波西亞的父親臨終前規定求婚者必須從三個分別由金、銀、鉛製成的箱子中,挑出一個內藏波西亞畫像的,才能與她成婚。
就歌詞而言,暗示性極為明顯,要巴珊尼歐勿以貌取物,因為美麗的事物總是倏忽而逝。在金、銀、鉛三個箱子中,當然要以鉛箱最為樸實無華了,聰明的巴珊尼歐自然不難領會其中的意味。另一個耐人尋味的地方是在這首小曲中音韻方面的暗示,三行的尾韻分別為bred [εd]、head [εd]、nourished [εd],這開始的三個尾韻和鉛(lead)一字不謀而合!
曲目一畢,巴珊尼歐毫不猶豫地選擇了鉛箱,人財兩得,抱得美人歸。 less
The Heavens are Telling - Haydn | La Nova Singers, Dorset La Nova Singers are a UK-based female vocal ensemble who perform using the Bel Canto technique. This video shows their performance of Haydn's 'The Heavens are Telling' (from 'The Creation') at their spring concert in Bournemouth. ... La Nova Singers are a UK-based female vocal ensemble who perform using the Bel Canto technique. This video shows their performance of Haydn's 'The Heavens are Telling' (from 'The Creation') at their spring concert in Bournemouth. Conducted by Michelle Nova. Accompanied by Celia Cologne on piano.
Exultate Singers: The Water of Tyne
A video of the first take of The Water of Tyne from Exultate Singers' recording session at St George's Bristol for a new CD to be released in November 2013. The audio here is just from the camera microphone.
The choir is conducted by David Ogden, and ... moreA video of the first take of The Water of Tyne from Exultate Singers' recording session at St George's Bristol for a new CD to be released in November 2013. The audio here is just from the camera microphone.
The choir is conducted by David Ogden, and the pianist is Richard Johnson. The arrangement is by Michael Neaum.
Hymn to the Mother of God
Mansfield University Concert Choir at the 2012 World Choir Games in the Gold Medal winning performance in the Musica Sacra competition