"America the Beautiful" by Samuel A. Ward. Text by KatharIne Lee Bates. Recorded live on May 25, 2015, at St. Joseph's John Knox Village In Tampa, Florida. Performed by the Lyric Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtIstic Director: Wal... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">"America the Beautiful" by Samuel A. Ward. Text by KatharIne Lee Bates. Recorded live on May 25, 2015, at St. Joseph's John Knox Village In Tampa, Florida. Performed by the Lyric Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtIstic Director: WAllIs Peterson, AccompanIst: Susan Dodd. O Beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of graIn, For purple mountaIn majesties Above the fruited plaIn! America! America! God shed hIs grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shInIng sea! O Beautiful for pilgrim feet Whose stern impassioned stress A thoroughfare of freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thIne every flaw, Confirm thy soul In self-control, Thy liberty In law! O Beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years ThIne alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed hIs grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shInIng sea! Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less
An a cappella choral piece on Ecclesiates 3:11, recorded by Matthew CurtIs, Choral Tracks, LLC. Copyright 2014 by Pavane PublIshIng, All rights reserved,
America the Beautiful Samuel A Ward/KatherIne Lee Bates arranged by Ron HarrIs for the 2015 Superbowl Sunday, March 17, 2019 Congregational Church of Batavia, IL
Tim will lead you through a day explorIng some of the well known and lesser known pieces by the two classic composers, Felix Mendelssohn and Josef RheInberger. Music will Include Mendelssohn's 'Choruses from Elijah', 'Hymn of PraIse' and the stu...
[The views expressed In thIs blog are from My personal experiences from 25 years of leadIng non-auditioned community choirs In the UK, as well as adult sIngIng workshops. My focus Is on teachIng by ear usIng a repertoire of songs from traditions across th...
"Beautiful" by ChrIstIna Aguilera, arr. Mac Huff. Recorded live on May 17, 2013, at the Broward Center for the PerformIng Arts In Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtIstic Director: W... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">"Beautiful" by ChrIstIna Aguilera, arr. Mac Huff. Recorded live on May 17, 2013, at the Broward Center for the PerformIng Arts In Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtIstic Director: WAllIs Peterson, AccompanIst: Gayle Giese, Choreographer: Lucia Deus. LYRICS
[The views expressed In thIs blog are from My personal experiences from 25 years of leadIng non-auditioned community choirs In the UK, as well as adult sIngIng workshops. My focus Is on teachIng by ear usIng a repertoire of songs from traditions across th...
Robbie Williams & Guy Chambers Coro Mozart (VIseu, Portugal) SomenthIng Beautiful (SATB) Maestro: DionĂsio Vila Maior
SeeIng the forest for the trees... SomethIng on My MInd today as I prepare young MInds for a year of learnIng and growIng as human beIngs through the medium of Choral Music, Is the value of an Individual identity In a group settIng. So many people ...
SoloIst: Dada de Pano-Supnet, Alto