International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


205 results found
Song of Life
video: Song of LIFE

Song of LIFE - Lyrics by Robert Prizeman, Music by Takatsugu Muramatsu

blog: DIScover the HeartSong Singing CIRCLE - Mortain - Normandie

DIScover the HeartSong Singing CIRCLE - Mortain - Normandie

Best Day of My Life Cool Choir®
video: Best Day of My LIFE Cool Choir®

Best Day of My LIFE, Cool Choir, Friday 23rd June, 2017, Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada See for more information

Story of my Life Cool Choir®
video: Story of my LIFE Cool Choir®

'Story of my LIFE', One Direction performed by Cool Choir on June 23rd, 2019 at Knox United Church, Calgary, accompanied by Bel Canto Strings

GMVC: The Rhythm Of Life
video: GMVC: The Rhythm Of LIFE

The Gillingham Male Voice Choir Singing 'The Rhythm Of LIFE' From Their Album 'Both Sides To GMVC' For More Informaiton VISit Our Website. Website:

Mercury/Fontenelle: Love Of My Life
video: Mercury/Fontenelle: Love Of My LIFE

Mercury/Fontenelle: Love Of My LIFE - Live concert recoding of the Waldorf Students Choir, conductor: László Bencze. Recorded on 22. 08. 2012. in the BTM Castle Museum, Budapest, Hungary

Life in a Northern Town - RJC HS Virtual Choir 2020
video: LIFE in a Northern Town - RJC HS Virtual Choir 2020

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the RJC HS students put together at virtual choir project for presentation at an online fundraISer. Video sent from Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea. LIFE in a Northern Town originally recorded by Dre...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the RJC HS students put together at virtual choir project for presentation at an online fundraISer. Video sent from Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea. LIFE in a Northern Town originally recorded by Dream Academy (1985) words and music by Gilbert Gabriel and Nick Laird-Clowes choir arrangement by BJ HarrIS Accompaniment track by Audrey Falk Janzen, , Zac Schellenberg, Brandon Janzen, Kaitlyn Janzen, Richard Janzen Audio Mastered by Brandon Janzen Directed by Richard Janzen  IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

"In My Life" - Peterborough Singers
video: "In My LIFE" - Peterborough Singers

Beatles 2 - Across the Universe Feb. 16/2013 Carl ChrIStensen - solo

A choir that saves lives - Documentary
video: A choir that saves lives - Documentary

In southern Madagascar, in Toliara, a choir allows 150 young girls living in extreme poverty to regain the joy of LIFE through choral singing. ThIS practice of music transforms their LIFE, but also that of an unexpected audience, of inmates... Website:...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">In southern Madagascar, in Toliara, a choir allows 150 young girls living in extreme poverty to regain the joy of LIFE through choral singing. ThIS practice of music transforms their LIFE, but also that of an unexpected audience, of inmates... Website:  

Best Day of My Life Cool Choir
video: Best Day of My LIFE Cool Choir

Cool Choir Performs 'Best Day of My LIFE' by American Authors at the Bella Concert Hall, Calgary VISit for more information Twitter @coolchoir