74 results found
This Little Light of Mine
Traditional Gospel
Arrangement: Stijn Dierckx
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Christmas Concert "Praise The Chord" on December 15, 2015.
Weep O Mine Eyes (John Bennet)
Podzimní koncert komorního sboru Vocalica 4. 10. 2012
Autumn concert - chamber choir Vocalica October 4 2012
Lo Miserere - Stella Choir
Performed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF SPRING 2024
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Thou who hath shown mercy. Upon Mine heart and Mine life, efface the iniquity.
Vous qui avez eu pitié De mon coeur et ... morePerformed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF SPRING 2024
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Thou who hath shown mercy. Upon Mine heart and Mine life, efface the iniquity.
Vous qui avez eu pitié De mon coeur et de ma vie, effacez l'iniquité.
Conducted by Jad Harjane
Arrangement: Charlotte Poitout - Ismail Messari
Video directed by Mohammed Ben Yekhlef at LADABATEK , Tangier
Oh mon Dieu, aguètz, pecaire,
Misericòrdia per ièu
Car siatz bòn e perdonaire
Mai que mai, ò Sénher Dièu.
De tant d’armas repentidas
Vos qu’avètz agut pietat,
De mon còr e de ma vida
Escafatz l’iniquetat.
Que l’isop banhe ma cara,
Sarai pur; lavatz-mi lèu,
E vendrai pus blanc encara
Que la tafa de la nèu.
Senhor, destacatzma lenga
E, dins mon trefoliment,
Cantarai vòstei lansengas
Ambé vòstei jutjaments
Perdonatz vòsteis enfants
Que non sabon çò que fan less
Vox Animae - Weep, O Mine Eyes (J. Bennet)
A part of the revue performance at 46th Croatian Choral Assembly held in October 2013 in Novigrad.
Hymn to the Mother of God
Mansfield University Concert Choir at the 2012 World Choir Games in the Gold Medal winning performance in the Musica Sacra competition
I Will Lift Mine Eyes by Jake Runestad
Seraphic Fire has assembled a collection of music with which the ensemble has a visceral, tenacious connection. This self-titled recording contains Seraphic Fire signature works that have brought the ensemble to proMinence eleven seasons after its foundin... moreSeraphic Fire has assembled a collection of music with which the ensemble has a visceral, tenacious connection. This self-titled recording contains Seraphic Fire signature works that have brought the ensemble to proMinence eleven seasons after its founding.
Available digitally May 7, 2013. To view the album on iTunes, click here:
Chris Artley - I Will Lift up Mine Eyes
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Weite melodische Bögen und eine berückende Klangsinnlichkeit kennzeichnet Chris Artleys Vertonung von Psalm 121. Ausgesprochen stimmungsvoll setzt der neuseeländische Komponi... moreWeitere Infos:
Weite melodische Bögen und eine berückende Klangsinnlichkeit kennzeichnet Chris Artleys Vertonung von Psalm 121. Ausgesprochen stimmungsvoll setzt der neuseeländische Komponist die Klangkörper Chor, einzelne Stimmgruppen, Orgel und Trompete ad lib. miteinander in Beziehung. Ein bewegendes Konzertstück, welches das Publikum unmittelbar in seinen Bann zieht.
Broad melodic arches and an enchanting sensuousness of sound characterize Chris Artley's setting of Psalm 121. He sets the choir, the individual groups of voices as well as organ and trumpet ad lib in relationship to each other in an impressively atmospheric manner. It is a moving concert piece that will immediately fascinate the audience. less
UCD Choral Scholars - The Gartan Mother’s Lullaby (Official Video)
The Gartan Mother’s Lullaby
Traditional Irish, arr. Desmond Earley
Collected by Seosamh Mac Cathmhaoil
From the album ‘Invisible Stars – Choral Works of Ireland and Scotland’
The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin
Desmond Earley – Artist... moreThe Gartan Mother’s Lullaby
Traditional Irish, arr. Desmond Earley
Collected by Seosamh Mac Cathmhaoil
From the album ‘Invisible Stars – Choral Works of Ireland and Scotland’
The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin
Desmond Earley – Artistic Director
Solo: Hazel Conway
Harp: Geraldine O’Doherty (track) / Claire O’Donnell (visual)
Released on Signum Records on 11th December 2015
Available to pre-order from Amazon and iTunes
The UCD Choral Scholars will release their debut international recording on Signum Records on 11th December 2015. The disc, entitled Invisible Stars is an enchanting collection of traditional and contemporary choral music from Ireland and Scotland and features arrangements and new compositions by some of Ireland’s most celebrated composers for choir, including Michael McGlynn, Brendan Graham, Ivo Antognini, Bill Whelan and the group’s artistic director, ... less