24 results found
The Lord Bless You And Keep You - Lutkin - performed live by Octarium
Octarium performs Peter Lutkin's "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" live as an encore.
Listener's Choice concert, February 2011.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord lift His countenance upon you.
And give you peace.
The Lord make His Face ... moreOctarium performs Peter Lutkin's "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" live as an encore.
Listener's Choice concert, February 2011.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord lift His countenance upon you.
And give you peace.
The Lord make His Face to shine upon you.
And be gracious unto you.
Esto les Digo
Quorista's 1st Concert "Initium Novum - A new Beginning"
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, Hillsborough Village, Muntinlupa City.
November 24 and 25 2017
Esto les Digo - Kinley Lange
Choirmaster: Ronnie Abarquez
FB Page: https://www.Face... moreQuorista's 1st Concert "Initium Novum - A new Beginning"
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, Hillsborough Village, Muntinlupa City.
November 24 and 25 2017
Esto les Digo - Kinley Lange
Choirmaster: Ronnie Abarquez
FB Page:
For bookings and Inquiries email us:
Auf anderen Wegen (Andreas Bourani) - Psycho-Chor der Uni Jena
Dieses Lied stammt aus dem Doppelkonzert mit der Berliner Vocal-Band ONAIR vom September 2019 im Volkshaus Jena. Über Likes, Kommentare und Abonnements freuen wir uns natürlich sehr.
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https://www.Facebo... moreDieses Lied stammt aus dem Doppelkonzert mit der Berliner Vocal-Band ONAIR vom September 2019 im Volkshaus Jena. Über Likes, Kommentare und Abonnements freuen wir uns natürlich sehr.
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Chor: Psycho-Chor der FSU Jena e.V.
Ort: Jena
Leitung: Maximilian Lörzer
Arrangement: Maximilian Lörzer
This song was recorded during a concert at September 2019 at the VolksHaus Jena. Of course, we always delight in likes, subcriptions and comments of any variety.
Futher information may be found at You might like to visit us at Facebook, Soundcloud and Instagram as well!
Choir: Psycho-Chor der FSU Jena e.V.
City: Jena
Conductor: Maximilian Lörzer less
Elinor: Music for a While - Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Text by John Dryden & Nathaniel Lee, arr. by SJS
Elinor Ensemble: Elizabeta Tkalec - soprano, Aldina Clarisa Ban - mezzosoprano, Sandra Lenaršič - alto, Robert Feguš - tenor, Kristjan Furman - baritone & Marko Žagar - bass.
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Facebook... moreText by John Dryden & Nathaniel Lee, arr. by SJS
Elinor Ensemble: Elizabeta Tkalec - soprano, Aldina Clarisa Ban - mezzosoprano, Sandra Lenaršič - alto, Robert Feguš - tenor, Kristjan Furman - baritone & Marko Žagar - bass.
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Recording Producers: Produkcija Musica
Sound recording: Valerija Dukarić
Production: Robert Feguš
July 2022 less