International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


393 results found
Psalm 23 Der Herr ist mein Hirte  - The Lord is my Shepherd
video: Psalm 23 Der Herr ist mein Hirte - The Lord is my Shepherd

Setting of Martin Luther's translation of Psalm 23 Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. (The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.) Er weidet mich auf grüner Aue und führet mich zum frischen Wasser. (He maketh me to lie down in green p...  more

The Joy of the New Year: New Year Song | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: The Joy of the New Year: New Year Song | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"The Joy of the New Year: New Year Song" from "The Seven Joys of Christmas" by Kirke Mechem. Recorded live on December 8, 2013, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Lyric Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South...  more

Psalm 96
video: Psalm 96

Mansfield University Concert Choir at the 2012 World Choir Games in their Gold Medal winning performance in the Musica Sacra competition

PSALM 67 for SATB Chorus & Organ by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)
video: Psalm 67 for SATB Chorus & Organ by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)

Psalm 67 for SATB Chorus and Organ Music and translation by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999) Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jennifer Lester, conductor Mark Dwyer, organist Music and translation: © Copyright 2000 by Ione Press, Inc., a division o...  more

Psalm 150 (Cesar Franck) - Poznańskie Słowiki
video: Psalm 150 (Cesar Franck) - Poznańskie Słowiki

Fragment koncertu ,,Druh i Jego Przyjaciele" z okazji 70-cio lecia chóru

PSALM 117 for SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2000)
video: Psalm 117 for SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2000)

Psalm 117 for SATB Chorus unaccompanied Music and translation by Stanley M. Hoffman (2000) Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jennifer Lester, conductor Music and Translation: © Copyright 2001 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishin...  more

Psalm 67 - Te Deum Chamber Choir
video: Psalm 67 - Te Deum Chamber Choir

Edition: Dr. David Thurmaier Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, November 13, 2016 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas

PSALM 130 for Baritone Solo & SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)
video: Psalm 130 for Baritone Solo & SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)

Psalm 130 for Baritone Solo, SATB Chorus unaccompanied by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999) Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jennifer Lester, conductor Aaron Engebreth, baritone Music and Translation: © Copyright 2001 by Ione Press, Inc., a divis...  more

PSALM 1 for SATB Chorus (divisi) by Stanley M. Hoffman (1998) Performed by Matthew Curtis
video: Psalm 1 for SATB Chorus (divisi) by Stanley M. Hoffman (1998) Performed by Matthew Curtis

Psalm 1 for SATB Chorus (divisi) by Stanley M. Hoffman (1998) Performed by Matthew Curtis ( Music and Translation: © 1999 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishing. All rights reserved. ...  more

WIE DER HIRSCH SCHREIT -Psalm 42, Op.42 (F. Mendelssohn) - CORO "SANTA MARÍA"
video: WIE DER HIRSCH SCHREIT -Psalm 42, Op.42 (F. Mendelssohn) - CORO "SANTA MARÍA"

La Asociación Musical CORO"SANTA MARÍA" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) bajo la dirección de SERGIO ASIÁN interpreta: - WIE DER HIRSCH SCHREIT -Psalm 42, Op.42 de F. Mendelssoh El 13 de junio de 2015, durante el VI ENCUENTRO CORAL NACIONAL que organiza l...  more