International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


323 results found
MARIN BAROQUE - San Sabeya Gugurumbé from La Negrina – Mateo Flecha el Viejo
video: MARIN BAROQUE - San Sabeya Gugurumbé from La Negrina – Mateo Flecha el Viejo

“Birds of Paradise” Saturday March 28 - 8 PM - First Presbyterian Church, San Anselmo MARIN BAROQUE Daniel Canosa, Music Director Rosemary Beecher-Bryant, Daniel Pickens-Jones David Morris: Treble Viol Julie Jeffrey: Tenor Viol Lynn Tetenbau...  more

Koro de San Jose in God Made our Hands
video: Koro de San Jose in God Made our Hands

KSJ @ Coro Et Al Festival 2013

Pananalig by Koro de San Jose
video: Pananalig by Koro de San Jose

8th Colors of Worship A Sacred Music Festival @ Church of the Risen Lord UP Diliman

Iker Gonzalez: Ama Lur  (Sapere Aude Sinfonietta - San Pedro abesbatza)
video: Iker Gonzalez: Ama Lur (Sapere Aude Sinfonietta - San Pedro abesbatza)

Grabación en directo de la obra "Ama Lur" en su versión orquestal a cargo de San Pedro abesbatza (Directora: Amaia Aldalur) y Sapere Aude Sinfonietta, todos bajo la dirección de Fernando Velazquez. "Ama Lur" obraren orkestarako bertsioaren zuzeneko gra...  more

video: Finlandia

Handog Concierto The San Nicolas 2nd Chorale with Band 31

Life's Tragedy - Robert Paterson / Paul Lawrence Dunbar
video: Life's Tragedy - Robert Paterson / Paul Lawrence Dunbar

World premiere by the Volti Choir of San Francisco, Robert Geary, Artistic Director, May 15-17, 2009, San Francisco and Berkeley, CA, USA. Life's tragedy Music by Robert Paterson Text by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Used With Permission. This is one move...  more

Canticorum Jubilo GFHandel by Koro de San Jose
video: Canticorum Jubilo GFHandel by Koro de San Jose

8th Colors of Worship A Sacred Music Festival @ Church of the Risen Lord UP Diliman

San Felipe Chamber Singers - Alleluia, AJ Consolacion II.wmv
video: San Felipe Chamber Singers - Alleluia, AJ Consolacion II.wmv

Live Recording at Our Lady of Tra Kieu Church in Da Nang, Vietnam March 2011 Vietnamese Tour

San Felipe Chamber Singers - Exultate Justi
video: San Felipe Chamber Singers - Exultate Justi

Live Recording SFCS Vietnamese Tour Our Lady of Tra Kieu Church Da Nang, Vietnam March 22, 2011