International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


822 results found
Guillaume de Machaut - Mass for Our Lady - Agnus Dei (III)
video: Guillaume de Machaut - Mass for Our Lady - Agnus Dei (III)

Schola Antiqua sings the third section of the Agnus Dei from Machaut's Mass. Pictures from concert tour stops in Cleveland and at Notre Dame's Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Michael Alan anderson directs.

Agnus Dei - Perry Rumengan
video: Agnus Dei - Perry Rumengan

Agnus Dei Composer: Perry Rumengan The following video is a Virtual Video of the XVI National Student Pesparawi Choir presented by the Darma Cendika Catholic University Student Choir - Benedicamus Chante

Agnus Dei, Missa Brevis KV192 W.A.Mozart. Puerto de la Cruz. Tenerife
video: Agnus Dei, Missa Brevis KV192 W.A.Mozart. Puerto de la Cruz. Tenerife

Coral Reyes Bartlet KV Ensamble José Híjar Polo, Maestro de Coro José María de Vicente, Director Mónica Pérez, Soprano Cristina Calvo, Alto Jorge Cordero, Tenor Augusto Brito, Bajo Iluminación: E. Zalba Sonido: L. Acuña Imagen: Video Humer ...  more

Cristóbal de Morales - Domine Deus, agnus Dei
video: Cristóbal de Morales - Domine Deus, Agnus Dei

Motet "Domine Deus, Agnus Dei", for three voices, by Cristóbal de Morales. Performed by Ensemble Eborensis, Luís Henriques (dir.), Church of S. Vicente, Évora, 15 December 2015. #cristobaldemorales #dominedeus #ensembleeborensis

Cantores Celestes - Gabriel Fauré's Requiem - Agnus Dei
video: Cantores Celestes - Gabriel Fauré's Requiem - Agnus Dei

April 20, 2013 Cantores Celestes Women's Choir of Toronto. Directed by Kelly Galbraith. Fifth movement of Gabriel Fauré's Requiem - Agnus Dei, with The Emperor String Quartet and William O'Meara on organ.. Video and Audio: Patric McGroarty  more

Agnus Dei
video: Agnus Dei

Te Deum Chamber Choir Live Performance, November 10, 2012 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO

Agnus Dei- Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.
video: Agnus Dei- Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.

Concierto en honor a San Juan Bautista Santa Catedral San Juan Bautista, Viejo San Juan Pieza: Agnus Dei, George Bizet Melvin Rodríguez, Barítono Angel Persia, Pianista

1-4 Gutierrez. Agnus Dei (2016)
video: 1-4 Gutierrez. Agnus Dei (2016)

Hugo Gutierrez. Agnus Dei Performed by Les Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois Conductor Hugo Gutierrez October 23, 2016 Church of St Catherine (St Petersburg, Russia) Video by Peter Trubinov

Cantores Celestes: Agnus Dei from A Little Jazz Mass
video: Cantores Celestes: Agnus Dei from A Little Jazz Mass

Cantores Celestes, directed by Kelly Galbraith, along with Togni Trio, performing Agnus Dei from Bob Chilcott's, "A Little Jazz Mass". Recorded on December 1, 2012 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Video and Audio footage: Patric McGroarty www.stclarens.c...  more

The East Central University Chorale - Agnus Dei - Krzysztof Pendereckiki
video: The East Central University Chorale - Agnus Dei - Krzysztof Pendereckiki

The University Chorale performs Agnus Dei by Krzysztof Penderecki. April 21, 2014. Dr. J. Steven Walker, conductor.