Santa Margherita di Fidenza - PR - Italia: 2015.12.18 Dir. Maria Laura Di Gennaro Medesano - Parma - Italia
God Bless The U.S.A Purdue Varsity Glee Club
Šmartno pri Litiji december 2012
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy, whose trust ever child like, no cares could destroy, be There at out waking, And give us we pray, Your bliss in our hearts Lord, at The break of The day, Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith, whose str... more
May God Bless You by Chris Artley (music), Reuben Hardie (words). Recorded for Praise Be (TVNZ) by The Graduate Choir NZ, conducted by Terence Maskell And accompanied by Chris Artley (piano) And Philip Smith (organ). The importance of music in our schools can not be overstated. No one understAnds this more And has more background on The topic first hAnd than John Rutter. For Music In Our Schools Month, John Rutter shares his bel... more
Mansions Of The Lord in Truro CaThedral 2013
A new year prayer to all friends And family in The new year, 2022. Performed by Friends of St. Val. (FSV) Composed by Justice Chukwuebuka Onah. Sponsored by